Thanks Hoser for posting the ad. I appreciate it, my wife doesn't but I do. I had to get a new living room set in exchange not an outright trade but she had been talking about it for a bit and randomly we just hit like 6 furniture stores shortly after I brought up the purchase and picked one out today.
Glad it worked out for everybody! Where are you from? Hoping I get to see it in action again in the near future!
I'm in central Florida just south of Orlando. I've got an '87 MR2 I've been putting together and was hoping to debut it at the next RallyX at the Firm July 23rd. I go pick up the Impulse next week on Sat I plan on doing all the fluids on Sunday and seeing what I'm dealing with. There is an outside chance I'll be debuting the Impulse on the 23rd instead if I can chase all the spiders and rats away.
So yeah... this happened today. I'll start a build post probably tomorrow for now I'm beat.

7/16/16 8:59 p.m.
Sweet! I'll be at the FIRM event too and am glad I'll get to check it out!
That will depend a whole lot on tomorrow. I go over it, replace the fluids and see if it runs. It hasn't competed in several years so who knows what may have gone wrong while it sat.