Is the CIS mainly what stops these 4cyl from running??
After some digging I think I want this. Learn me....wait. Wrong forum...
Is the CIS mainly what stops these 4cyl from running??
After some digging I think I want this. Learn me....wait. Wrong forum...
You might want to contact seller first since I am willing to bet that the car sold and he was too lazy to take the ad down since.
After 82 they didn't have CIS as they switched from being a 2.0L 924 to a 2.5L powered 924S (an early 944 underneath) with EFI.
2.5's aren't hard to find, or work on, so if you like it, go for it and plan on pulling the motor to check the clutch and internals and go from there.
This is the narrow 944 with the early interior and some other early bit. Hate to venture a guess as to why it won't run. Many reasons.
I didn't realize that basic parts were so expensive....
I'm not really shopping for one now, but I still want one someday.
Welcome to the Porsche Parts Price shock, where you'll be checking the boxes of parts for the free diamonds that surely must've been included...
In reply to BoxheadTim:
Yep. That's a diff league than I'm used to. She'll be on the bucket list for alittle more.
Outside of the clutch, front of engine service and balljoints for the aluminum control arms (earlier cars had steel control arms that had VW balljoints that are about $17 versus $185). The rest is actually stupid cheap and very DIY friendly. How often do clutches need to be changed?
The FOES is about every 30,000 miles and the water pump is the expensive part and is changed every other time.
Check out brake parts, suspension, wheel bearings, even tires (in 15 or 16" size) are pretty reasonable.
That said, I do enjoy my earlier 2.0L based 924, much cheaper and easier to maintain once you ditch the CIS for EFI since its is mostly just Audi and VW parts aside from some of the harder to find engine parts (engine swap is in its future though).
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