10/6/18 7:34 p.m.
SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD! via Facebook Marketplace.
I bought these on Craigslist for my Miata and desperately tried re-finding the craigslist post for them. I could have sworn the seller listed 4x100 or had mentioned them being on a Honda or something like that. Last week I went to bolt them up and they are NOT 4x100. My quick measurement makes me believe they are 4x114.3 I can't find a searchable model number on them. I can measure again to be sure for a buyer.
Sport Edition F12 wheels 15"
General Altimax snow tires: two are at 4/32, one at 8/32, and one at 9/32.
Wheels are pretty clean, not perfect but good.
Pictures in the link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ijQ4P4y37CUGGSZp8
I never heard of that size , so Mr Google came up with this list
I think a lot of older Acuras had that pattern, IIRC. So perhaps he said that rather than Honda.
Anyhow, don't you still have the seller's contact? You could just ask him what car he had them on....or stole them from ;)
Datsun, so probably Nissans, fit 4x114.3
Accords and preludes used that pattern through the 90s.
90’s Altimas and 240SX wear this size. Too far for me though.
californiamilleghia said:
I never heard of that size , so Mr Google came up with this list
It is usually known as 4 on 4.5". Was common on Fords before they switched to 4 on 4.25" presumably to align with Ford of Europe.
Nissan, Mitsubishi, Mazda, and Honda all used this bolt pattern, especially Nissan. There is a Volvo S40 and a Mazda 323 in front of me that these will bolt up to...
If I needed snow tires in my area, these would be great for my 2000 Sentra. Hope you find a seller!
10/15/18 11:48 a.m.
Bump for these before the dreaded CL and FB marketplace.