Steve Chryssos
Steve Chryssos Associate Publisher
9/7/12 10:50 a.m.

Here's a gratuitous plug for the playground -- but well deserved.....

Two years ago, after getting dipped in gasoline at various races, we decided to do our homework on the subject of refueling. The quest led us directly to the doors of the FloFast people at a company called Product Development Group.

Ever seen a motorsport container with a Schrader-type valve for a vent? Yeah, that's how these guys roll. Other distinctions are mostly quality related and therefore too subtle for a message board thread or photo, but rest assured that FloFast products are awesome quality and might save you from barbecue-ing yourself and your friends.

We ended up with one of their hand pump operated systems as it meters out fuel without turning the container upside down. It's hard to spill liquid if the container remains upright. "D" for Duh, right? Chump Car initially asked us to stop using the system as it violated its current rules at the time. Bummer.

As some of you already know, Chump Car revised their refueling rules for 2012 to allow the FloFast pump system. They're so smart. ChumpCar will allow the use of the Flo-Fast mechanical pump for fueling race cars (model # 30301). The Flo-Fast pump MUST be used with an approved jug.......

It's not a perfect solution, as you need to get a feel for the pump's flow rate to avoid overfilling. Practice this BEFORE the next race. Other than that, the FloFast pump and their jugs add a strong measure of safety to your pit strategy as well as your shop refueling. Cost is higher than borrowing the grass covered jug from your shed, but far less expensive than skin grafts. Please check em out. /Steve

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