Well it's been another 5 months, time for an update. I've put many more miles on the Falcon this spring, mostly car meets and cruising with my son Crosby, who is almost 3. He loves 'the blue car' and going to shows/meets to see other other old cars. It is reliable as ever, never lets me down. However, the worn original steering box was getting to be a major problem. It was never replaced when the car was built, and probably has 120k+ miles on it. The dead zone in the center of the steering was growing at an alarming rate, and no amount of adjustment was making any difference, it was time to come out.
I had purchased a set of QuickJacks over the winter, and finally put them to good use. My garage floor is pretty uneven, so I always use jackstands as well just in case. The QJ are pretty amazing though, very happy with them.

Getting the steering box out was a total pain in the ass. It had definitely never even been removed, as the factory undercoating was still on the bolt heads in the fenderwell, never been disturbed. The bolts came out easily, no rust and the box was loose. Inside you have to remove the steering wheel, column, plate that seals up the firewall. The steering shaft is part of the box, so it is a difficult fit (see pic below). You are supposed to drop the box out the bottom, but this wasn't an option even with the header removed. The v8 motor mount and engine bracing underneath prevented that from being an option.
The solution ended up being to remove the valve cover, and I was able to lift it out through the front top! Gotta get creative sometimes.

Here is the crazy steering box:

I have the box sent down to a good rebuilder in Denver, will have it back by the end of the week. Should be a 2-3 hour job to reinstall it, and the car is back on the road.
I took this time to look into the oil leak, and confirmed what I suspected. It has a rear main seal leak, dripping down from the bellhousing shield. Not worth fixing at this time, and it has a 7-8qt oil pan, so I'm not too concerned for now, though it is getting worse and will have to be fixed at some point.