Next up was the wiring nightmare.
More questions later, but first, pictures of stuff that I definitely didn't know existed.
Not that I doubt Keith, but I'd never heard that the Miatas with ECUs behind the passenger seat used a separate wiring run for the ECU. This could make wiring in the MegaSquirt much, much simpler!
Except that it's a total bitch to get to.
Here's the deal.

This is the passenger foot well. To orient yourself, the tan trim piece in the lower right corner is the trim directly below the glove box and in front of the passenger door. The black plastic box on the left side of the screen is the thing that holds the A/C bits. What you don't see is the blower motor housing, which I had to remove to gain access to this stuff.
The harness comes out from underneath the carpet at the lower left corner of the picture, and has three connections to the body harness: two blue connectors in the center of the frame, and one large white one just to their right, slightly shadowed.
Pop those off and undo some connectors (don't forget the headrest speaker connection!) and you get this.

From left to right: two yellow ECU connections, one white headrest speaker connection, one white harness connector, two blue harness connectors.
Really, I'm amazed. Unless my plans change, I'll cut this up and use this as my pigtail into the DB-37s for the MS3.
So remember how I had to remove the blower motor box to get to this stuff. That was fun: the two out of three nuts holding the blower motor in were easy to get to. The third involved removing the airbag. Which wouldn't have been so bad had it not taken me a good half-hour to undo the orange airbag connector. (I eventually realized that the rubber boot was preventing the release tab from operating correctly. Got it!). When I finally wrestled that damn box out of the way, it was disgusting inside!

All sorts of junk got in here and it looks like mice actually got in and pawed away at the foam on the recirc door. Look at that! I scraped off all the brittle old foam and washed everything with hot soapy water. I didn't have much success with the fan blades, mostly because I wasn't able to pop them off the motor. I may go and see what a new motor/fan runs, in case that's easier than cleaning all those damn plastic mouse-piss-soaked blades. Also, this is the original motor, who knows how much longer it will last.
So... not all that much accomplished today, but I did learn something new about Miatas. And I probably caught hantavirus. C'est la vie.