It's nice to be home and have a decompression drink.
So we left off leaving the Indy Clan. As I pulled out of their driveway I noticed that my gas light was on. That's when I recalled waiting until on the way out so I could grab some gas station poptarts for breakfast. I knew I would be leaving early and didn't want to put them out so I let them know it would be too early to do breakfast. Little did I realize my first 15 minutes was going down farm road after farm road but I finally saw a gas station and they had my favorite brown sugar poptarts.
Angry had warned me that there might be snow in Detroit mid to late morning so I wasn't too surprised to start seeing snow flakes in Toledo. I crossed the Michigan line and soon afterwards came upon a traffic jam on a bridge. As we're inching along I gently hit my brakes and slid about 2 feet. E36 M3 I'm on ice. Well good thing I'm in a traffic jam going 3mph. About 100 yards ahead I see the cause of the traffic jam is a truck with a 4x4 in the bed that obviously rolled landing right side up. Dude is out of the truck and looks ok so that's good. I start thinking about the morning before and decide that now is a good time to find a stop and wait point. I pull off right after the inside of a curve figuring if anyone went spinning they would miss me heading towards the outside. Here's what I looked like shortly after I stopped.

I checked my supplies and here you see that I have a pack of peanut M&Ms, an empty cup to pee in, my tablet to read the GRM forums and right under it my drink cup. Yep I think I could survive the Michigan winter with all that.

After waiting about an hour and a half this is what it looked like after clearing up.

About half a mile down the road I saw another SUV on it's side about 100 yards off the road. I felt good about stopping and waiting. After that it was pretty uneventful heading to Doug's. Google took me off the highway to avoid accidents and that made up a good amount of time. I finally get there and here's my first sight of RIggamort.

The street is crazy tight for parking so I parked a block down on a side street. Doug and I pushed Riggamort down the street and Angry showed up just in time to look pretty while the winch pulled it up on the trailer. Ok Angry was a little helpful when the trans cross member caught on the trailer. It was his idea to use 2 by wood under the rear tires to raise it up just enough. I had already told my Airbnb in Charleston, WV that I wouldn't make it and made arraignments with Patrick to borrow a futon so time to head out.
I was pretty low on gas so here's the project car on a trailer at a gas station in south Detroit picture.

Got to Patrick's, got schooled in all things horses and unicorns, toured the garage, loaded up GRM Express items, and went to bed to do last nights update.
As Patrick said he sent me down the road at 7am and things went smooth. I hate 77 in West Virginia because of how tight and steep the road is. Well I hate it with a truck and trailer. I've never been through there in a normal vehicle. Virginia is always cool because there's tunnels and it's short as hell so you feel like you did a whole state in no time. I get into NC and about 50 miles from SC when all of a sudden I start losing power on a hill. The engine shuts off and I throw it in neutral to get as much roll as I could towards the next exit. Ok I'll admit it. I berkeleying ran out of gas. Lil Stampie would probably snitch on me anyway. I have a habit of pushing E. Sometimes a little too much. Here's where I came to a stop.

You can see the end of the off ramp circled in yellow and the gas station circled in red. So damn close but this isn't hand grenades. I walked over and paid the stupid tax of buying a gas station gas jug and walked back pretty quickly. I was surprised that it started right up. My 99 would blow the fuel pump fuse when it got that low. Yes as I said I tend to push E a lot.
I knock out the rest of NC, SC, GA and rolled in about 9:15 this evening. It was pointed out to me today that on Friday the winner of last years Challenge left my driveway actually sitting on my trailer. Today the last place car according to the official magazine results took it's place. Riggamort told me that it wants a rematch and as I walked away I swear I heard it say something under it's breath about someone not having cojones in the drags.