Failed to get the engine into the car on the weekend.
Family time over-ruled car time.
I did find all the bits I wanted for testing the oil pressure while on the stand.
Rather then run the Canton system and pumping the thick assembly lube through out race system (accsump and cooler) I'll use the stock filter housing.
So I put together a gauge, fittings and the GT6 rocker oil line which I never used. Then I can spin the aux shaft which drives the oil pump and test everything on the stand.
Oil pressure test.
70 PSI
Engine is almost ready to be dropped in. I need some sealant for the water pump.

Well I tried but in the end needed a few more things to get the engine to install.
First a 2nd jack to move the transmission around.
My hook setup works but lifts the back end of the motor.
I ended up using my jack under the oil pan with a block to raise the front.
Second I will lift the rear wheels off the ground so I can rotate the drive shaft and get the input and clutch to align.
So close yet so far. Very tired :(

I parked the engine on a piece of 2x4, using the lift and jack to help balance everything...
With a little help and a chain relocation suggestion the engine went in like a charm.
Chain moved to the front made all the difference.
Everything went in as it should. I had 1 rear wheel off free to move the input shaft.
The starter motor took longer to install to be honest.
Still need to open up those access holes on the firewall.
Starting to look like a race car again.
She will come to life tomorrow. I hope.
But you can't tell me that does not look exciting.
From today's work up. Engine started without issue. I installed the water cooling system afterwards. I will add water and do the idle @ 2k for 30mins on Sunday.
Neighbours will love me.

Ian F
4/14/13 10:55 a.m.
Maybe rig up a cheap muffler and turn-down temporarily connected to the exhaust outlet to keep the noise level slightly more tolerant?
Hey, good work getting it all back together! I'll second Ian's suggestion. Pull an old muffler from your scrap heap and cobble it all together. You do have a scrap heap, right? 
Yep I use the whole old system and a muffler from the GT6.

From today when I did the idle session.
Been a few weekends since I've worked on the cars.
FIAT ran warmer then expect during the idle test.
3 things I will have to check on before I do anymore idling.
Water bubble.
I did fill the rad with the car flat. So I want to jack the front end up and see if any bubbles come to the top.
I did static set it to 10 but that might not be good enough.
To lean at idle. Last fall we worked on the carbs but may have leaned them out to much at idle. I'll check the plugs.
4/27/13 7:00 a.m.
MUST jack the front up. Flat has never worked for me, regardless of which era cooling system you have. Also, the T fitting fill thing on the heater hose draped over the cam box really helps, as that is the highest part of the system. Assuming you still have that hose.
Never been an issue and I don't even run a fan.
Will do some work on Sunday.
Looking good on the car and engine. Been playing with fiats since I was 16. I have a 76 and 77 in the garage now. I just keep getting side tracked with the crimped elbows on the exhaust. Those are a big problem with the flow, causing a big restriction. Even with the pipe opened up to 2 1/4. Check out Dr.Gas on there oval pipes and bends. I have it figured out that the 2 1/4 oval bend will sit flush with the bottom of the crossmember and still clear the center link from the stearing. My biggest problem is I need to fit a 3 inch downpipe into that same space so that is where the oval pipe works out well. Keep up the good fight with the spider. Not to many of them around racing anymore. The main one I'm working on is going to be a track day car. Decided to run a audi 1.8t in it for the power I wanted. 131 trans to hold the power and a bmw third member and independent rear suspension designed after the rally 131. Should have it on the road in about a year.
Wild. I suspect you'll be doing some structure tubing to hold the thing together :)
On the exhaust it is all about budget right now.
When I can afford better I'll upgrade it but for now it holds together and does the job.
Are you running the in-hose thermostat? Kind of a bugger to bleed. could be the source of your overheat problems during the idle session.
Merry Christmas my wife shouted....
My gift finally arrived today.
4 brand new Toyo R888's.
I can't wait to try this babies out.

Slightly happy racer :)

Should I keep the old RA1's?

Toyo will not ship tires until they can be sure they wont freeze.
Ian F
5/15/13 12:58 p.m.
Congrats! They look purdy...
AndreGT6 wrote:
Should I keep the old RA1's?
Depends... as Toyo mentioned... does your garage get freezing cold in the winter? Do you need a second set of tires/wheels to store the car on over the winter so you can keep the "good" tires toasty-warm in the house?
The garage will not freeze. Is heated to 5C all winter.
I made changes before last winter and they worked out well.
I am tempted to store the tires till I find a decent set of wheels.
They are still good enough to be 15 min practice tires.
I do have a set of "shop wheels/tires" but one of those wheels is damaged and losing air all the time.
So if I ever find a nice set of wheels I may be able to use the RA1's.
Autox. Track days. yada. As long as the durations are limited they are fine I believe.
Yeah I'll hold on to them.
As per the temp thing. Toyo just says to not handle them.
So they
Ian F
5/15/13 7:33 p.m.
A seller on eBay just posted a crap load of Panasports in various Fiat fitments. Brand new and not cheap, tho... 
I think I've asked this before, but do you know of a Fiat 4x98 wheel will fit on the Spitfire pattern?
GT6/Spit use have a 4x95.25 pattern.
For now I'll just store the tires.
Been an $$$ season and I've not turned a lap yet.
That is a really beautiful engine.