New, regular volume oil pump installed so that the aux shaft will hopefully survive:

I bolted the oil pan back on with a nice new gasket, for what will hopefully be the last time for the forseeable future.
Seam welded and painted (poorly) the front subframe:

Then on to the stubborn strut insert- get your best Jeremy Clarkson impression ready, because it's not gone well. First I unpacked my brand new impact driver, clamped the strut housing in a vice, and got it nice and hot with the torch. One whack with the impact driver and...

berkeley, cracked an ear off the tip of the shaft. OK, let's just grab what's left with some pliers and turn it...

Doubleberkeley, I liked those pliers too. Let's drill it a little:

and hammer a hex key into it. Hey! It's turning, this might not be so bad after all...

Tripleberkeley, now there's a hardened piece of steel in the middle of it. Let's ruin all the drill bits... not working, buy better ones... found a spot near the edge I can drill. Hammer a torx bit into that, heat the thing way up in the hopes that I can turn it the rest of the way with the new off center bit. A few more turns and...

Quadrupleberkeley, now there are two hardened pieces of steel in the end of it... but I can still get a socket on the outside of the few threads sticking up. That turned until it was near flush with the end of the housing, which obviously pushed the socket off. Quintupleberkeley. Dremel a little slot, dremel where it's binding on the threads, and go at it with the impact driver...
No photo, I was too mad, but you guessed it- hexaberkeley! The impact driver broke. What followed was five hours of torch, dremel, and hammering the everloving crap out of the stupid broken impact driver, which had become basically just a punch with a big handle. At about 1:30AM the stupid insert finally plopped out:

The poor, poor impact driver. Some springs came out of it at some point, and it's about and inch and a half shorter than it was when I started. The thing on the left is the back, which used to be a dome shape, and the bit is on the right:

I think the strut housing survived, though it will need to be retapped. I'm not sure what my plan is for the insert yet, and I'm not happy with how I went about this. I probably should have just endlessly torched and PB blastered the thing for several weeks until it would turn using a regular screwdriver, but here we are. My hands hurt.