So as I mentioned earlier, Ive been sweating my ass off working on the A/C all day today.
Going to replace compressor, orifice tube, drier, flush the system, and if there is trash in the system I was going to change the condensor also, it's not a parallel flow condensor, so it can be flushed but i tried on the Z and i just wasnt able to get everything out, so I was prepared to replace it.

One thing I really hate about the C5 is how much of a whore it is to get it off the ground. I had sub frame connectors on the Z28 and I could lift up one side of the car by jacking in the middle, throwing two jack stands under it then go to the other side. On the vette, you have to install your jacking pucks. Lift up each front corner and put it on some wood or whatever, then its high enough to get a low profile jack under it to lift the front by the subframe, then the same thing in the rear. Seems like a small thing but it really bothers me.
On my boards.

Start pulling it apart, by pulling the orifice tube off to check for trash. Oh hell, not a good sign.

Whatever, keep pushing on. The only thing weird is the batter tray has to come off for the drier, and the waterpump has to come off to get the compressor out.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. My Nemesis. Damn dirty paper gaskets. When I went and picked up my fluids I asked for W/P gaskets, but they didnt have them, said they'd order them and I could come back in a few hours. No biggie, Ill go get it when I start putting it back together. These where quite a whore to clean off even though they have less than 1K miles on them. I got tired of scraping and busted out the wire wheel on a very fast drill, and took the wire brush right to the ankle, taking quite a bit of skin with it. I REGRET NOTHING!!! Had the gaskets off in just a few minutes. Then I bothered to check and see if the aluminum, or whatever metal it is, gaskets on all other LS w/ps would work. Apparently they will. Thought about calling the parts house to make sure they had them but i thought, with all the failing W/Ps on trucks, they are bound to have them. I was wrong. So paper went back on. NEVER AGAIN. I will upgrade them next time.
This looks really familiar, Like I was just here.

Man look at all the oil that was in my old compressor.

Pretty much nothing, all leaked out the seams on the old one. Pretty sure that's why the old one looked like predator had been humping it.
Then I got to back flushing everything, looks like this thing had been recharged many times, there was SOOOOOO much dye and oil in the evaporator and condensor. Didnt have any contaminants in the rest of the system though, everything was very clean, didnt have any black or silver, all just very bright green, so I decided to skip the condensor. Also went through and changed all the orings and gaskets.
Then you just put it all back together. Really it wasnt that bad, if it wasnt for two lower bolts on the compressor and having to get it high enough to drain coolant, you could do the whole thing on the ground.

Ill take it to the shop tomorrow to see what I screwed up, couldnt think of anything while putting it back together, once I get it charged.
Called about my shifter, he is waiting on c6 shifters to come in to modify. Said it should ship next week.
Also I did finish breaking the top of the radiator shroud while doing the a/c, and the blower motor was pretty weak when the a/c did work for 2 days so those are probably my next two purchases, might buy a pass side visor, mine is broken. Its in the back, but not salvageable. PO told me it was broken when being installed, by a mechanic, and thats why he was selling his vette, He didnt get the treatment he thought someone who owned a vette should get when having their vehicle serviced. HAHAHA.
Me and the friend that went with me to buy the vehicle still chuckle about that one.
Next big project is brakes. I also need to wash it and detail it at some point.