Work started yesterday with me laying out and cutting the wood for the back wall using the measurements from my plans.
Once it was all cut, I assembled it according to plan. Having an air nailer really made this go fast.
The back wall went up and was held in place by some temporary side braces once I had it level.
Then I did the rinse and repeat for the two sides.
Pretty soon I had something resembling a framed up building.
The front wall was a little tricky with the door opening and making sure it was square. But pretty soon it was up also.
I than added the support for the window. This came out of the old shed and needs a thorough cleaning before final installation.
I was losing the sun by this point so I made most of my cuts for the door pieces after I had to rework the design a little and remeasure it all. This will all get slapped together into doors today.
Hopefully I can get the doors built pretty quick and then start work on the roof trusses and get all the framing done, ready for metal work by the weekend.