Alright, everyone, I've been a subscriber to GRM for a year or so now, but I figured now was as good a time as any to start documenting my project. We'll start with where I'm at now:
Everything's pretty much been on pause for the last year due to a first child and then moving states. Now that everything is settling down with the new house and the workshop is coming together, I can start dismantling again (had to reassemble for transport). But let's go back to the beginning because that's important for understanding while the car is now naked. I bought this car for $20k back in '12 due to being rebuilt. This was the time these cars had just bottomed out and started to rise in price again, so this was actually a tad high for the branded title. I bought it from a guy in Indiana that worked in a bodyshop and thought the car would be a relatively simple project. What he didn't know was that the original owner nearly gutted the whole car after insurance totaled it - most notable was the removal of the supercharger and all ancillaries. The damage wasn't too bad - mostly isolated to the rear clam - so the guy repainted it from yellow to House of Kolor Tangelo Orange. By the time the car was done though, many of the bolts and hardware were just grabbed from random bins in the guy's shop, probably because they were missing when he got it. The paint was pretty good though, especially for backyard work.
However, the car wasn't without its issues as I found before I even left Indiana and an interior panel fell off. A month later, the radiator sprung a leak (or at least that's when I noticed it and then learned this is an all-too-common problem for these cars). Fixing that required the front clam to come off, and that's when I found more mismatched hardware. Nothing terminal though, expecially for the price.
I then took it to a track day, as any Lotus owner should. However, I was soooo new to track days, I didn't know to run for the hills when no instructor was assigned. My first session was just full of frustation. I could tell the car was far more capable, but I couldn't find a racing line with a red, striped stick. I was able to get a ride with an advanced guy though, and he showed me a lot better ways to get around. I was able to use this on my second session and picked up a ton of speed. So much so that I quickly outgrew my britches, and well, this happened:
To be continued!