Valve shims, tranny seals, turbo rebuild kit on order. Painted up pipe, paint remover on valve cover, cap cleaned up nicely. I think the tranny mount looks like an unfinished part and is quite visible so I decided to improve it's aesthetics...(I may add some "speed" holes to it...)

Baked ceramic paint on up pipe and v-band exhaust housing in our new stove that created quite the kitchen project as my wife decided we needed to move the stove and microwave a foot to the left...cabinets were built in place so this involved cabinet work, new countertop, subway tile backsplash and painting...what I thought was a 30 minute stove install turned into more like 30 hours....
Valve cover ready to paint, valve clearances set, flywheel cleaned and painted and new pilot bushing installed, tranny mount of old valve, retainer, shim and bucket in case someone hasn't seen them in real life...(state of the art back then!)
The two aluminum tubes added to the valve cover are for the crankcase breather system.

The head must flow decent as the stock cam only has .350" lift and these little things made 120 or so HP out of 1558cc 50 years ago..
Found this....regarding using CD-175 carb...

I've never played with draw through setups but are they hard to start up on a cold start? Seems like the initial vacuum draw through would be impeded with the turbo until the wheel is spinning enough. If that question makes sense?
My factory draw through '81 Mustang started no problem. My intake path is as short as it can be for a carbed turbo.
New Reader
10/22/22 7:35 p.m.
Not sure if have the patience for that.
What kind of paint did you use?
Looks great, of course.
The blue is VHT wrinkle paint, the black and silver is Duplicolor ceramic caliper paint.
2 years ago today I brought TCST home .... 
I have learned in that time:
- the devil really is the details
- perfection is the enemy of completion
- the more I do the more I find to do
I still enjoy working on this little car and can hardly wait to drive it!
A few pics of the journey so far .... basically finished the engine today 
I hope to have a rolling chassis by the end of the year 

Nothing exciting to take pics of. Cleaning up transaxle, new seals etc on order for it, bigger clutch disc, throw out bearing, working on pouring new polyurethane engine and tranny mounts....working on upgrade of rear stub axle housing bearings to tapered bearings ....
New Reader
11/3/22 10:12 a.m.
In reply to TurboFource :
I expect it's been covered pretty thoroughly on GRM before, but I'd be interested in seeing how the poly mounts goes.
Cleaned rubber off of mounts...much joy. Drilled a couple more holes in inner part of mount so urethane would flow through it....Poured them....the urethane was thinner than I thought.... made quite a mess .... should have sealed it better.....tranny mounts are fine....ordered some more urethane to top off motor takes a 168 hours for it to fully cure so the next pour should stick to it. I sanded the parts that urethane is in contact with 60 grit and cleaned with acetone. I used an 1/8” thick o-ring on the bolt to center the plates on them and they look straight (there is no through bolts on the original design...I made it so there can only be an 1/8" movement in any direction)….at least the bolt will keep things from completely failing. I will completely fill the mount with urethane so if the inner part of the mount is contained in the urethane and the bolt is a fail safe, it can’t really move anywhere anyway(unlike the originals that have a gap at the bottom).

An observation of questionable value, polyurethane glues plywood to cardboard really well.
New Reader
11/6/22 8:04 p.m.
In reply to TurboFource :
That's probably genuinely very useful to someone, somewhere.
Trans mounts look great.
There are probably a bunch of 50 year old rubber bits on my van that would benefit from some refreshing, and are impossible to buy.
Installed new stub axle, shift shaft and input shaft seals. Checked ring and pinion backlash, cleaned up and painted
bell housing and tranny housings. Reassembly and attachment to engine tomorrow
and hopefully in the chassis Thursday 

Not quite in chassis yet....


Despite the huge mess the mounts cleaned up well....

Figured I should make sure the turbo clears the chassis and engine bay bracing before I proceed (since I had to do some tapemeasure guesstimation) does...barely....the T3 exhaust adapter I bought also will fit a T4 .... If I trim it to only the T3 size it will clear by about 3/4"
. It looks like it will clear the body too.....still need to rebuild turbo and detail it!

-Trimmed up pipe turbo flange to T3 size except for one bolt hole that is for the turbo brace...half inch above chassis now and it is 6 ounces lighter now 
- Working on tapered bearings for rear housings.....slightly complicated....more to follow...the originals are roller bearings and notorious for a short lifespan....

I guess I had high expectations with all the awesome builds and knowledge here... this is my first build and was expecting more comments and feedback and suggestions/recommendations? Been reading GRM for quite some time and enjoy the builds and knowledge! (having one of those days when I wrote this....)