Got the ujoint in today. So, after dinner and our evening workout I went out to the garage to get that done.
I didn't notice that it was the d sided style that I ordered. But being the cheapest one in 3/4" on Amazon, I'll deal with it.
Being as I had a new toy, I started using it first. 

it worked decent but stopped after a couple passes, I remembered I have other things that are probably a lot faster and easier. So, I used some scrap wood to hold the shaft and clearance it on the bandsaw.
Much easier, faster, and cleaner. I could use a mill to make this a viable thing and some larger end mill bits, but alas. Still too cheap to get one, so I'll wait.
I got the shaft split, cut, drilled, and installed.

The measurement is the added length to the shaft. I've thought I would like another couple of inches, so I won't complain.
i threw the seat back in to make sure I was in the right position. I thought about adding 1" height, but I'm sticking with the, "let's go a couple inches more rule", I did that.
Somehow on the first attempt I really got a good selfie shot showing the original "adding 2" length" location. Though as you can clearly see, I am asleep....
Here is the anticipated location of the wheel
I'm thinking this will be a marked improvement.
I did measure and honestly this location is right at 2" higher. I'll get some welding done, at least by the weekend.
The dash will need a relief. In doing so, I'll need to move the fan switch up. That shouldn't be a big deal as there is room above the label to put it.

I've been debating on if I should or should not go ahead and swap out the current ECU. It's not a matter of getting one, hell, I have a micro squirt in the box waiting. More of a "dang it this is going to be a pain".
After doing the steering wheel controls, that helped me feel a little better about wiring. But I need to pull the wiring book and go through it to compare. I'll still be missing cam timing as I haven't figured out the way to do that. Trigger wheel on the front is probably the answer, but yea. That would leave it batch fire, but still a boatload better tuning than the SDS.

I guess, can anyone talk me into or out of opening a whole other huge can of worms on this thing? Suspension and aero are the two points I'll have not touched by the time it's up and running again possibly.