Today is a special day: one year ago was when the TVR arrived into my life. A fine milestone, and worthy of taking stock and thinking about the year, what I've done, and what is to come. Flip to the bottom if you don't want to read my pontifications and just want to see a few new pics!
It's been a year of fits and starts. I definitely got thrown off by the 2.0 control pack being discontinued out from under me. There was a long stretch there when I was reluctant to do much. I thought hard about switching engines. I looked deep into other methods of control. It all worked out with the control pack, though I think I was on the way to figuring out other directions.
This fall and winter getting the motor mounts and transmission mounts done has been a big actual and emotional milestone. Suddenly a finished car feels more like an attainable goal. Really nice to get some positive forward motion and be able to build success upon success.
Upcoming project focus is really around building something that will actually start and run. Sounds silly in a way, but I could easily get distracted with body-related work, with pulling apart the suspension, or all kinds of other projects that distract from that first-start day. So I'm trying to remind myself of that.
Near-term projects:
- Gas tank mods, sealing, painting, and pump install. New fuel line.
- Intercooler mounts, piping, temp sensor mounting.
- Cooling system needs attention. I'll be fabbing up an expansion tank and overflow.
- Preliminary engine wiring runs thru the engine bay and in the driver's footwell.
Mistakes? Generally I'm pretty happy with the decisions I've made. I really waffled on the transmission, and I wish I hadn't bought a Mustang MT-82 and then an NC 6spd. Will try to sell the Mustang trans and make some of that back. Sometimes I wish I'd pushed harder this summer and fall, but I try not to dwell on lost time.
Generally though, Tim's Law does rule. If I don't spend a fair chunk of time every week - 10 hours by the law - then my momentum fizzles and the project slows. I definitely feel best building progress on progress. So onward!
Here's a couple pics of what I've been doing lately. The differential got three coats of Rustoleum spray. Cleaned up nicely! Axles and diff mount from Good Parts is due tomorrow in UPS.

I've been messing with intercooler location, and am thinking about switching to a low-mounted location in front of the radiator. I'd been planning to go above the radiator and eliminate the spare tire location, but I laid this out and I think it looks pretty good:

I like it. I wouldn't be the first person ever to package a FMIC in front of a radiator. And I do get to keep the spare. If I felt I needed a little more room, I could swap the full sized one for a donut. That would give me several extra inches to spare. I've been resisting cutting off that spare tire mount for months now, and looks like maybe this setup was meant to me!
Anyway, thanks for reading and sharing in my year of play time. It's been fun communicating directly with some of you, and I hope to meet some people in person. And throw me thumbs-up if you're enjoying the read!