I've been lurking around here long enough. This will be a thread tracking maintenance and repairs on our vehicles. Current fleet consists of a 2014 Golf TDI with the DSG transmission, a 2011 Suburban, and a 2008 Passat station wagon with the awful 2.0t BPY engine. As you can see, one of these things is not like the others.
Currently sitting on a conference call, I'll start a new post later and I'll go vehicle by vehicle.
I love the GRM community, and look forward to being a part of it.
I will leave you with a photo of the station wagon in it's natural habitat.

Welcome! I'm actually curious about experience with the 'burban of all things. Been eyeballing those as a tow-pig that can also serve family duty.
Matt B (fs) said:
Welcome! I'm actually curious about experience with the 'burban of all things. Been eyeballing those as a tow-pig that can also serve family duty.
The Burb has only required spark plugs, brakes, oil changes, and a couple window switches in 110,000 miles. It feels underbraked according to my wife who tends to call it the race truck. It serves tow pig and family duty wonderfully. It is about to need trans cooler lines as they are starting to seep at the crimp. It's been a solid rig.

I am
also interested in the suburban only. Stealth wealth. My wife wants me to end my 30 year land cruiser ownership and trade our 200 for a new suburban - in fire engine Red of course
mr2s2000elise said:
I am
also interested in the suburban only. Stealth wealth. My wife wants me to end my 30 year land cruiser ownership and trade our 200 for a new suburban - in fire engine Red of course
The newest body style looks good to my eyes. I don't make new Suburban money though, so used it is for us. She's ready to move on I think, to what I don't know.
In reply to 10001110101 :
In reply to mr2s2000elise :
She really loves those. We may look into leasing since she keeps the miles low. She's also a big fan of Range Rovers and the F-Pace.
In reply to 10001110101 :
Your wife's a keeper
I think all women are born to like RR
mr2s2000elise said:
My wife wants me to end my 30 year land cruiser ownership and trade our 200 for a new suburban - in fire engine Red of course
With a burb in that color you could totally dress like this guy and get away with it on the daily.