JUst a little update. I had Thanksgiving afternoon off so I gutted the Toyota and lifted the bed and body off the frame, Now I just have to get rid of the rolling chassis before the 11th when the ex gets home.

I did pick up a 6L LS a while back from a crashed van but it will not work with the TH425, The block and diff are fighting for the same little bit of real estate. I would have to go with the smaller TH325 from a newer FWD GM but they just are not up to the mustard if you have a spirited driving style so its back to the old Caddy. Im too deep into this rear set up to hack it off and start over. Hopefully I will have Christmas day off to get a few hours to work on it again. This dark early crap really sucks.
Wow you are still among the living!!!! Did the new neighbors move?.....cuz this sure doesn't look like Montana...
759NRNG said:
Wow you are still among the living!!!! Did the new neighbors move?.....cuz this sure doesn't look like Montana...
No Montana yet, My friend is still hanging in there, 4 years with pancreatic cancer puts him at the top 2% of survivors, I moved everything back to the exes place after the whole noise debacle at the other place.
Prayers for yur bud.......
Had a couple hours before work this morning, The only good thing about Daylight savings is its light at 6am. Threw the body on the frame to see how it sits, I plan on setting it on the frame with no rubber bushings and weld the cage solid to the body and the frame.

In reply to MulletTruck :
Nice! Glad you've been able to make some progress.
Thanks for keeping us updated. Love this build.
And here we go again... The wind has been gusting to 80mph all night and some dumbass probably lit a fire in the fireplace since it was a chilly night so it looks like another evacuation is going to happen. Lucky enough Im using my old boat trailer as a table so at least I will be able to get the frame and cab out.

Just read about Ventura.....too sad.....hope you're upwind
759NRNG said:
You ok????
Yeah, The fire got close enough to take a couple houses on the street behind me. Luckily it ran into the area where it burned last year so it ran out of fuel just before it shifted towards me.
I have to work 7 days a week until the middle of january so there will not be much happening to the truck.
Great news ......rest when you can .....Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!!!!!
759NRNG said:
MT speak to us ....out
The Ex is leaving on the Marilyn Manson tour tomorrow until the end of Feb and my 7 day a week work will come to an end this weekend so as long as its not raining there will be a little progress on the weekends.
And all the snakes are curled in their beds????
759NRNG said:
And all the snakes are curled in their beds????
Yep, They are all chilling out under the bed. At least Im far enough from the hills that I dont have to worry about mudslides.
What does your Ex do? A buddy of mine played keys for him when Manson toured with Alice Cooper in 05 or 06.
They might know each other.
Crackers said:
What does your Ex do? A buddy of mine played keys for him when Manson toured with Alice Cooper in 05 or 06.
They might know each other.
She does Lighting. She is new to his camp, this will be her second time out with him. Her first time out was last year.
Oh, ok.
Not that it matters, but I meant '15 or '16.
Good to hear you're among the living bro....yea mud sucks!!!!
Looks like I will have some time to fiddle with the project this weekend.
I am picking up a commercially bent rollcage off of craigslist for less than what the material was going to cost me. I will have to do under the hood and the rear section on my own but this is helping speed up the process.
Hauled it to the shop this morning

Some of us here are a tad bit curious as to what the E36M3 you've been UP to!?!?!?!!!!??????
Its been on the back burner for a bit.
My Dad had a stroke a while back so I went to Detroit to deal with that.
While I was gone the wonderful Ghetto crackheads broke into my rolling tool box (suburban) and stole all my tools and a bunch of the parts for the truck, They also used my tools to cut the brand new Catalytic Converters off the new exhaust I just put on it the week before I left.
I am trading a bunch of baby reptiles for some tools this weekend so its a step in the right direction.
I may be relocating back to the Detroit area this fall if we cant talk my Dad into going to Florida to live with my Sister. Im not looking forward to going back to the rust belt. I have been so spoiled by the desert kept cars here.
6/8/18 10:30 a.m.
Go be with your father ....I know easy for me to say......sorry 'bout the thug thievery .......hmmm, 'snakes for wrenches'
has a nice ring to it, possible 'challenge' race team