I'm still working on finding a donor car and/or trans/flywheel, etc to do a 5spd conversion. A few leads, some exciting but not promising, some less exciting but more likely to result in actual usable parts. As a side project, I'll be needing to rehab and re-register my trailer to carry parts, engine hoist, etc. around.
While I figure that part out, I decided to work on a few more interior things. The odometer is not working, which is a fairly common Saab issue, maybe a VDO speedo issue in general?
Using info on saabrally (Thanks for making me part of the club, Adrian!) and twinsaabs.com, I dived into the dash today.
I was actually planning on doing the odometer repair over the winter, but I had visions of every plastic item in there shattering, plus I have an advanced degree in procrastination. Just ask my wife. I was supposed to be trimming hedges today.
So, I dumped my torx driver set onto the passenger seat, and started de-torx'ing things. The dash fascia has four long (like 8" long) torx bolts that hold the fascia on; that run vertically on either side of the instrument cluster.

I pulled the speaker grilles on the dash top, removed the stereo (which seems to be dead anyway), all the HVAC control buttons. The bolts on the back of the steering wheel holding the airbag in place were stripped, so I figured I'd try to pull the fascia off with the wheel still on. It took some careful maneuvering, but I was able to get the fascia off in one piece:
<img src="
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The C900 uses vacuum servos to actuate the HVAC distribution flaps, probably designed that way so Pat has a seizure in case the drivetrain layout hasn't pushed him over the edge yet
. You can see the vacuum distribution block to the right of the steering wheel.
<img src="
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Next, four torx screws hold the instruments in. There are also 3 wiring connectors, including one large connector on each side of the cluster. Getting these off was an even bigger cluster. Each harness plugs into a black connector, which surrounds a 'foil' like a flexible circuit board. In this pic, you can see the connector just to the left of my hand holding the foil. The connectors are somewhat hard to disconnect from the harness after 25 years of baking in Texas sun. The right side one cracked; should be no big deal to epoxy back together.
<img src="
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Eventually I had the cluster on the workbench:
<img src="
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And disassembled to get to the speedo:
<img src="
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That's enough for today; I'll dive into the odometer tomorrow. I also need to troubleshoot the medusa's head of vacuum lines, because the dash center vents aren't putting out any air.