Apologies for the delayed update, had to get home to the wife :) A great time was had by all. Got to put faces with names for a lot of challengers and see old friends as well.
I arrived late afternoon Saturday to the hospitality of Mental and his kick ass RV. He had his cool little Lemons truck there too (which won an award in the Concourse De Lemons and got some very kind words from Boris Said)

Beer was consumed and stories were swapped and soon enough it was sunday morning and time to head to the skid pad.
Some small prep pains were felt but nothing worth speaking of.
A young man and his father showed up with his quarter midget and stole the show. Of course the car was perfectly suited for it but the kid could drive, he's got a great future ahead of him.
Finally after letting other cars run so I could figure out how this was supposed to be done I made some adjustments and staged for a run.

First run was a bit slow but the tires were cold and I just wanted to make sure nothing fell apart or was widly uncontrollable. All things considered I'm very happy with the result. Plenty of power, very sedate handling. It didnt push or understeer hard like we expected it to but rather just started to slowly drift to the outer edge of the ring.
so for 3 runs I pulle a .97g a 1.07g and then I let Mental drive and he pulled a 1.15 with a little more weight in the front end I think it would have topped 1.2
The important bits to me are that it didn't fall apart or blow up, everything worked as expected and it didn't embarrass itself.
Oh and I guess a class win is sorta cool too. ;)

A few people here, including Tom Studdard and forum user Spinout (who did not live up to his name) got to take a shot behind the wheel so hopefully they'll chime in with impressions.
Many thanks to GRM for continually giving me reasons to build silly things and putting on a really great event. If you've never gone to the Mitty put it on your bucket list.