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DjGreggieP New Reader
6/25/16 9:32 a.m.

So after an ecm issue the car runs!! We have swapped out the factory pump for a Warlboro 255lph and added an Aeromotive boost referencing regulator. Now I am having issues keeping the feed line from leaking and the charge pipe keeps popping off. But I have an idea for the intake charge pipe (we do have a bov installed, but the charge pipe is blowing off under hard throttle at roughly 5psi) that may hopefully work.

As for oil feed line, the factory line is roughly 3/8 in size, the inlet on the turbo is 1/4 so it is were we have the 2 sizes joining that I am having major leak issues even with the fittings feeling like they are going to snap tight. The oil leak has me worried 1 because oil starved turbo's dislike being oil starved for long periods and 2 most sanctioning bodies will keep me off track with leaks like this (understandably)

Any hints / tips on how to solve my feed line dilemma?

Thanks in advance!!

crankwalk Dork
6/25/16 10:20 a.m.

Go to McMaster Carr and get the right adapters to make the fittings work.

As far as your charge piping , what are you using for couplers? Putting a nice bead on the edge of the pipe is great but if you can't do that then you should get some nice T bolt clamps and hoses. Napa big rig radiator hose works great.

DjGreggieP New Reader
6/30/16 4:48 p.m.

The oil line we have decided on a hydraulic line. 3000psi burst pressure and flame proof. Only needs to be about 9 inches in length so we figure this should work.

The intake is the remainder of the K&N intake I had purchased years ago that we have hacked up. We are trying to add a bit of a lip onto it and if that still doesn't work then we will bite the bullet and make a metal one.

Trying to avoid that simply because future plans are to add an inter-cooler and would rather save to fully design the full intake from the inter-cooler later.

crankwalk Dork
6/30/16 6:00 p.m.

Do you have any pictures of this setup?

DjGreggieP New Reader
7/5/16 1:15 p.m.

I do, I will have to attempt to add as an attachment later. I need to take a new picture of the intake in its final form yet.

Turns out the spring in the BOV was waaay to stiff. It now releases pressure to the atmosphere and the intake stays in one piece! We also added a bit of a lip to the other end of the intake that kept blowing off. Now I just need to figure out why it seems to not do anything with the boost it is receiving.

Its acting like its lacking fuel and the sensors are limiting RPM to keep from being a lean condition. Hopefully a bump to initial pressure from the regulator and this should be cured...

chiodos Dork
7/5/16 8:33 p.m.

In reply to DjGreggieP:

What are you doing to increase fuel under boost? Got a wideband? If no to either or both time for at a minimum a rising rate fuel pressure regulator and a wideband.

DjGreggieP New Reader
7/6/16 1:08 a.m.

I have a rising rate regulator in place.

Turbo set up!!

Yes massive blow off valve, but free. When the time comes to add the intercooler, the K&N tube will be tossed, it has served me well. Roughly 7 years on this car.

DjGreggieP New Reader
7/9/16 11:52 a.m.

So, when driving presently, the car hits a wall at roughly 3psi, it actually throws you forward in the seat. Hoping that bumping the fuel pressure up to 65 from 55 may help with this (OEM spec is 58 +-5) and hopefully then the regulator will be ahead of itself and be able to boost reference higher air pressure.

Boss man is doing the adjustments while I spend the day locked up at Job 1 all day. Track day next weekend for some 1/8 mile racing.

I will have to post a video later, the car sounds mean under throttle now.

DjGreggieP New Reader
7/23/16 9:37 a.m.

Well, I have the car running. Took it out for the 1/8th mile drags and I am almost a full 2 seconds slower at the moment.

It is looking like the OEM 2.7L ecm I am currently running is choking the injectors prematurely.

Made some arrangements and will be picking up a couple parts cars cheap that will be used for a couple needed parts. One car at least has a 3.2 so I can swap in the that ecm and hopefully get it running better. Plan is to swap to a full stand alone setup in the future, just need to acquire the funds to do so.

Will keep you all posted

DjGreggieP New Reader
8/20/16 10:10 a.m.

Going to make a very long post right away. Just a heads up!

DjGreggieP Reader
8/20/16 10:39 a.m.

(copied from 3 posts on another forum)

I suppose I should maybe add a little bit of a story here aside from a picture, maybe bring everyone up to speed as to how this happened.

My name is Tim and I work 2 jobs. Day time I work at Napa autoparts, at night I wrench as a mechanic at a well regarded speed shop. We work on a variety of things, from basic maintenance items like oil changes to large scale custom work.

One day, a car many of you may only dream of seeing in person came into the shop.

Why yes, that IS a 92 Nissan Skyline GTR. It was brought in by one of our better customers (he has this as well as a 3.8 supercharged swapped Fiero) as he had seized a turbo on it and was upgrading to a larger pair, which in turn leads to...

^that^ little guy chilling by the garbage can waiting to be picked up and tossed outside with the rest of the scrap metal. Now being myself and interested in turbo's I had picked it up a couple times and looked it over, probably kicked it too many times to admit while carrying other parts. Well, one day this was chilling by the back wheel of an Intrepid we had in for a blower motor resistor and a battery. Me being a smart ass picked up the turbo and took it to the front (being disassembled to remove the battery) of the car and called my boss over. " Hey Dave, you think this would work on my car" Dave walks over and we look at it, position the turbo a couple times, inspect the turbo, check shaft play, check it over again, position it again and we look at each other and Dave says to me "Probably"

Good enough to me, message the turbo's then owner and we come to an agreement on its value and shortly after I sourced a rebuild kit and new shaft from Australia. So I also got to try my hand at rebuilding a turbo for the first time as well. I will say it wasn't as hard as some thing I have done, everyone should do it once.

Anyway, as mentioned, we first positioned it on a customer Intrepid with the battery missing, so we decided MY battery had to find a new home. And our trunks are really really big sooo......

we needed to relocate the battery to somewhere else to better utilise that space.

Power cable is 1 gauge wire running from under the hood to the switch, from the switch to the fuse then to the battery.

(Conveniently hidden behind my rear license plate. Remove plate on race weekends and passes tech!!)

There, looks tidy, and functional. And most importantly frees up loads of space for boost related activities!!

Now with the battery relocated and functioning 100% (Switch kills the car if flipped while running) it was time to get a move on with the forcing of induction. Now as stated before I didn't take many pictures during the build because we were trying to get the car built.

So, while my boss made ripped apart my exhaust to configure out how to make it work....

.... I was over at the work bench rebuilding the turbo!

(this is the internal parts of a turbo, really simple to rebuild, everyone should try it at least once!)

(as well as this)

Then a bunch of loud noises, welding, swearing, and many many many hours were invested and it started to feel hopeless because it is never that easy and EVERYTHING fought us. Hoses, cables, stuff we thought was fine was in the way, we discovered the car would no longer start, we couldn't determine if we could supply the turbo with adequate oil pressure... It was frustrating to say the least.

I spent many nights coming into my car and getting absolutely nowhere. Lots of nights looking at it ripped apart.

Then, finally one Saturday while I am at work, I get a text message from my boss with a horridly compressed video of my car starting and running on 5 cylinders. Timing was out a fraction of a hair, and one of my ignition coils was broken at the connection. The fire was lit, and back at it 110%

Somewhere around this time I had a horrible event happen. I had purchased rear o2 simulators and they were pinned out wrong. First go they popped the fuse for my charging system, and after replacing the alternator, battery testing and checking a crap ton of wiring we discovered it was the simulators. So I found out what the simulators were 'supposed' to go on and repinned them for use on an intrepid and then E36 M3 hit the fan.

Bit of background story time!!

My car started life as a 99 'Base' model. 2.7, non abs, no traction control, no child seat anchors, non skim, hell I bought it with the factory tape deck. Well, I blew up the first 2.7 with a spark plug (young and dumb, its just weird) and replaced it with a second 2.7 from my first parts car. That engine lasted a few years until I spectacularly blew up that engine (2 obliterated connecting rods, third one was bent and cracked) and then I was on the search for another engine and I purchased a 2000 300M. Now over time it was discovered it 'was' a PHP equipped car. I say was because the engine, dash harness and ECM/TCM combo eventually ended up in my car and well, it and my gold parts car looked like this last time I saw them...

I mention all of this because, well...

After changing the wiring on the simulators from what they were 'supposed' to be to what I needed them to be, the first start attempt went backwards and fried my PHP 'Federally Unregulated' (part # 04896-632AB) ECM....

It was not a good day....

So we went searching for an ECM and I got lucky that my first parts car was still in the yard here at the farm so I clearanced the front end to get it out, pulled the skim module and the key and slapped that into the car.

Back on track we finished the installation of the turbo!

We left off with the turbo in the car but that was it, Still need it feeding air into the turbo. And then into the engine.

Add a handy dandy elbow and a K&N filter for an SRT 4 and we have our intake.

Off the turbo was a little bit of a hassle. We have the turbo positioned in a way so that when we add the intercooler, it will be a straight forward installation. Then the piping with run down, then forward, turn into the intercooler, exit and run under the intercooler coming back, turn and run behind the the 'to intercooler' then up and to the throttle body. Problem being for now we wanted a low cost intake since it was going to change and we were 'trying' to make this budget friendly (!!SPOILER ALERT!! Its really not budget friendly, at all) so we utilised the old K&N intake intake tube I have had on my car since the first 2.7. Just needed a bit of a trim and voila, we had a charge pipe!

Now it was around this time that we started to be able to drive the car, running on a 2.7 ecm and driving it but having a serious boost issue. as in 10psi plus before 3000rpm issue. The car would throttle stall really badly and was impossible to drive and we thought it was a fuelling issue, not enough fuel so the car would stall out so we did what any sensible person would do and...

Dropped the fuel tank to make some changes of course!

Here is the factory fuel system. Very basic but exactly what is needed for OEM

And here is what we did! Parts you cant see are a mildly modified assembly with a larger capacity pump (255lph warlboro)

Hanging off the side now is a boost referencing fuel pressure regulator with a 1:1 rise ratio. Presently set on the high end of OEM spec (62psi, OEM is 58 +- 5) And 'should' begin to rise when we start to push for double digits with boost.

The downside is with this, after purchasing the parts and doing the work, it was discovered the boost regulator was actually the culprit of the too high of boost, which has since been removed and we now run wastegate pressure, so this is basically a fancier, noisier OEM setup in the tank.

After that ordeal we had an issue with the charge pipe blowing off when throttle was released. Every Time. We changed clamps, angles, made adjustments and finally added a blow off valve as well as had a small hydraulic line made up to replace what we 'thought' was a leaking hard line (turn out, tiny pin hole in the dipstick tube, who knew?)

And just a little BOV :D

This brings us mostly up to date. I did manage to take the car out in July for some racing and it performed horribly, tech savvy people may spot why when examining the fuel tables...

Suffice to say, that is one VERY unhappy 2.7 ecm

I was able to allocate a 3.2 ECM from a friend who is selling me a pair of parts cars that will be donor blocks for a 4.0L stroker that we are currently piecing together :wink:

So I swapped that over and drove for a bit, developed a boost leak at the elbow at the throttle body, and fixed that with an elbow from a 2.7 which isn't quite 100% fix. Got it to hold long enough to drive around but still had to have the wastegate open a bit as it would still pop off at times while driving.

After burning myself on underhood things when opening the hood after the car had been running I decided to grab the death wheel

This was free and unlike turbo blankets as it had been suggested to me, this allows the entire unit to cool down efficiently were as a blanket will keep the heat contained to one area and cause coking on the internal bearings and reducing the turbo's life span. This hood is in really rough shape. The entire under hood seam is actually rusting and this needs to be replaced. We will be doing this on the next hood as well, but we will be making it a lot cleaner and more flowing with other ideas we have.

Most recently, as in this week, we made a new intake, again, I don't really take pictures while doing a lot of the work so I only have the after pics.

And that ladies and gentlemen is were I am at. Car is driven daily, I am seeing roughly 6psi and there is a catch can installed and we have 3 check-valves bleeding off some boost prior to the remote mounted MAP sensor. We have ordered a small piece to see if we can make a driveability change. Still have issues but we are working them out.

In closing, this was NOT a cheap endeavor. I stopped counting investment AFTER I hit 60 hours of labour! And still working out the kinks to make it effective. Next plan is a complete stand alone as soon as I can afford it and then I will be able to chase down targets, right now I want to find the exact amount of pressure an OEM ecm can handle. it seems okay at 6psi at WOT with a closed wastegate, but has hiccups under mild acceleration.

Any questions? I am willing to answer as best as I can!

Thank you for looking!

TL:DR summary,

Put a turbo on a car that didn't need a turbo. Needs more track time, but working out the kinks

moparman76_69 UltraDork
8/20/16 10:58 a.m.

How are you not shredding transmissions?

DjGreggieP Reader
8/20/16 11:53 a.m.
moparman76_69 wrote: How are you not shredding transmissions?

Luck. It is my only explanation. knocks on wood

I have 341,000kms on my factory transmission. I have dropped the pan on it twice in the time I have owned it, and done a single input speed sensor. I have drag raced, 'time attacked', and when I was young and dumb I would do reverse-to-neutral-to-drive rolling burnouts

Luck is the only conceivable thing I can think of lol

moparman76_69 UltraDork
8/20/16 12:10 p.m.

So you got the one intrepid with the mythical turbo encabulator?

DjGreggieP Reader
8/20/16 12:48 p.m.

There have been a few others, but from what I have read from the owners, it was a lot more of a signed check involvement. Not saying that's wrong, but when people ask questions and the response is 'I would have to check with the shop on how they did it' it's a little off putting..

It was going to happen eventually. 'Team Mates' (as in all of us work together on race car things, all cars have gone thru the same shop) have various stages of SRT-4's, boost was inevitable.

I know my trans is technically a ticking time bomb based on other Intrepid's, so we have been planning more of the never really done aside from talked about. Just need to procure a hard to get part then the mock up will begin :D

moparman76_69 UltraDork
8/20/16 1:01 p.m.
DjGreggieP Reader
8/20/16 1:11 p.m.

I am not on much of the engineering side... I had never heard of this prior to know. A quick google search has shown me the light and from here on I am referring to my car as having the only known surviving Chrysler Turbo-Encabulator. The pre-revision of the retro-encabulator

crankwalk Dork
8/20/16 3:40 p.m.
moparman76_69 wrote: How are you not shredding transmissions?

Sounds like it's not working well enough/making consistent boost to be shredding transmissions to be honest.

DjGreggieP Reader
8/20/16 4:28 p.m.
crankwalk wrote:
moparman76_69 wrote: How are you not shredding transmissions?
*Sounds like it's not working well enough/making consistent boost to be shredding transmissions to be honest.*

That is probably a better estimation actually

DjGreggieP Reader
12/10/16 9:27 p.m.

It has been awhile. First things first, car is half ripped apart, tucked away for winter enhancements.

Secondly, we did make a few small upgrades before that!

First up, found my sporadic coolant leak...

That was the tee we put in for the return from the turbo. Apparently, it does not agree with the heat of the coolant from the turbo. The clamps would be 'loose' so I would tighten them, hence the cracking and reduced size. It has been replaced with 3 brass nipples and a brass tee to fix this.

Second, the K&N intake is gone!! replaced with this:

Galvanized exhaust piping. The bend may impede air flow at higher levels, but the planned 7psi it should be okay. I am thinking on finding something to wrap it in to deflect heat because it is directly above the exhaust but we will see if I come across anything like that.

Also, I have ripped the car apart to start getting this ready to be installed!

Keen eyed readers will notice that 'Hey, something is missing' and yes you are correct! Still need to figure out the end tank of the intercooler then figure out its exact mounting.

Other plans include:

a. Adding a nipple to the intake for the catch can hose (clean up the look under hood) b. Routing the wastegate line off the turbo not the plenum (been told this is a better way to do it) c. Removing the foglights and swapping them for LED rings for a two fold advantage: 1. Will funnel air to the air filter (passenger side) and power steering cooler (drivers side) 2. LED rings will actually give off some lighting in the fog/dreary weather d. deleting the remainder of the EGR and finding a way to trick the ECM e. Need to do extensive MAP research on how they work.

Thanks for tuning in! I hope to be more active!! Just been busy with life, I read a lot of the other builds alot, so I leave you with a glamour shot!!

DjGreggieP Reader
12/27/16 12:17 p.m.

I suppose another update is in order.

This is almost a regular sight already... But this time its for a different purpose! I have a different throttle body to put on that has an adjustable throttle stop. No pictures of that because its just a mildly modified OEM unit.

Also, took this oppurtunity to take a picture of my brass fix

That shouldn't melt / crack anytime soon.

Also, I finally removed what was left of my EGR system. It had been half removed previously so I broke off the remainder of the pipe and pulled the valve. Bye bye EGR! Still need to find a way to keep the CEL from coming on tho... but I am sure I can figure out a way since with it half removed it only came on once in a while

I'd really like to possibly remove this thing altogether or REALLY relocate it from were it is. I guess when I do more cutting I can see if there is a better home for it.

So I continued along while I was still kinda warm and removed a valve cover to do an inspection of the head.

Looks good for over 300,000kms I think. Especially considering there has been a lot of hard miles put on with racing as well.

So here she sits until I get ambitious and head out to the cold to remove the other valve cover. So I need to order some new gaskets this week and then clean the valve covers, and upper plenum then reassemble and get the intercooler welded up so I can start making measurements for the needed piping.

Until next time!

Acme Lab Rat
Acme Lab Rat Reader
12/27/16 2:11 p.m.

I love oddball things like this. Carry on!

Ironsides New Reader
12/27/16 3:02 p.m.

Cool project, all these years I thought the v6 engines in these things were transverse mounted ...

golfduke HalfDork
12/27/16 3:05 p.m.

Turbo Intrepid... Yep, you belong.

DjGreggieP Reader
12/30/16 11:06 p.m.
Ironsides wrote: Cool project, all these years I thought the v6 engines in these things were transverse mounted ...

Yea, when the hood is open I get a lot of 'whoa, I thought these things were front wheel drive', of course that was before I put the turbo on it.

golfduke wrote: Turbo Intrepid... Yep, you belong.

Thanks!! Its nice to feel like I belong somewhere with this thing aside from a local padded room!

In other news, ordered some gaskets for the valve covers and a band clamp for the exhaust. Thinking tomorrow night I may spend some quality time in the shop pulling the exhaust off and draining the oil so I can remove a dead end line now that I should finally have the right sized cap for it.

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