I heart this truck so much
In reply to SkinnyG (Forum Supporter) :
Yeah, I hear ya on the pot life of slicksand or featherfill. I have a very expensive paperweight that I pried out of the mixing cup after I had done a desperate cleanup of the gun as it went off mid spray.
One trick if you want to have product ready is to have it divided into small cups so that the exothermic reaction does not make it go off even faster. Warm weather is not your friend with this stuff.
I forgot I still had my Princess Auto 2.3mm HVLP soaking in Lacquer thinner.
Pulled it out and spent an hour or so picking out sort of soft Slick Sand from a lot of it. I think I saved it.
Also surprised to find the "anodizing" was now gone. That was unexpected.
Sprayed a bit of epoxy primer to cover some exposed metal, and provide a bit more "hide." Final sand next, then sealer and shoot.
Was away in Tofino BC for a holiday. Came back early because we picked up Covid. This is my second go of it in three months, we'll see how hard it is on my lungs this time.
Making some changes to the spray booth filtration, then do some sanding, and hopefully spray sealer and colour tomorrow.
Get well soon Teach'. Can't wait to see this thing in paint!
What did you modify in the booth?
I was never happy with the amount of spray that hung around in my home made booths. Air quality and dirt filtration was OK, but I am tempted to leave the far end open next time so that the air flows out unimpeded. More like a low flow filtered booth rather than a negative pressure clean room.
And yeah, that is quite the tease. As Walker Wheeler Jr would say, Drop Em OUT!
I'm not pleased with the air flow, to be honest.
I have a honking big barn fan rated at 3200 cfm. It can physically suck the 18x9' roll-up door move inward, and if you're not hanging on to the man door, it'll come at you when you open it. I have the roll up door about 8" open, otherwise the fan just can't get enough air.
I watched a youtube video by "Trev's Blog," wherein he uses landscaping fabric for his filter, and shows it in action working smashingly. But I think they must have different fabric in the UK. I replaced the entire back wall with landscape fabric, and while I can breathe through it, the fan, clearly, cannot breathe through it enough. I could do an entire wall of furnace filters (they work well), but this whole thing is already getting expensive.
I think I'm with you - leave the far wall open, and use the booth mainly to keep overspray off everything, and trust that I'm not going to get a whole lot of dust and bugs drawn in.
White tomorrow.
It's not yellow.
Thanks. Covid2 for me, was just a couple days of chest pain and that was about it. MrsSkinny and SkinnyKid2 were down for six days, SkinnyKid1 got off easy.
Truck is out of the booth, bed et al are in the now shortened booth. Was hoping for primer today, but I seem to try to pack two days of work into one day, and not winning.
Sprayed Raptor on the skid strips
And the inner fender I didn't do, because reasons. And the bed side inner fenders.
And Teaser 4
While I'm using a supplied air system, I am finding even a bit of the fumes are bothering me more and more. I have Asthma, and I think I'm reaching my limits with paint. If I do painting again, it will likely be outside only, not an impromptu booth such as this.
In reply to SkinnyG (Forum Supporter) :
Can you move the SAR outside and use longer hoses to your mask? Or are fume getting in around your mask?
The Supplied Air is on the absolute other side of the shop, it's getting fresh air, I'm running 50' of hose, the air flow is enough that my face is imploding, and there are no fumes outside the booth.
In reply to SkinnyG (Forum Supporter) :
I do not know any old painters. One of the reasons I do not do a lot of paintwork.
I have a supplied air mask too, but I also can feel pretty weird and off after spraying auto paint. Seems like it sticks to my clothes and still gives me a dose when I take the mask off between coats.
Maybe taking off coveralls between coats would help?
I've been keeping the mask on between coats. Even wearing it while pouring and mixing the paint.
You're right about never seeing any old painters. Well, they LOOK old, but they're not old. And they always have that one cigarette with a bit too long of an ash on it.
Advantage: it only takes one beer to get drunk at night.
I will seriously consider only spraying outside from now on (if at all). But still using the Supplied Air.
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