So, yeah, I'm pretty bad about updating and posting on forums. Plus, even though I crave the updates to every minutia that everyone else does on their cars, I assume no one is interested in every bolt I touch on my car, so I mostly stick to somewhat more major jumps.
The first thing I worked on was to make the car no longer FWD. So I've been pulling the engine and transmission. I'm disassembling it as I go to make it easier to pull and so I can sell all the parts. I've got it down to just the block and the transmission left in the bay.
I started out looking nice:

But once just about everything is out not so much.

But I pulled and bolted the front hubs, so it is officially..... no wheel drive (NWD?) right now. I guess I could Fred Flintstone it.

The order I'm doing things is:
- De-FWD car
- Mate engine and transmission
- Design and fabricate mid-engine chassis and suspension
- Rebuild engine and install
- Do all the 'get-it-running' stuff.
So I've also been working on mating the engine and transmission.
Luckily I can skip most of the trial and error by doing a bunch of up front design work.

I print it 1:1 and tape it up to the flanges.

There was definitely a couple of iterations of that.
Finally I laid it out, cut the pieces and drill the pattern:

Of course the big hurdle is the test fit. So far it's looking good! I'll be using an Integra flywheel and pressure plate and a Subaru clutch plate.

I've still got to machine the adapters to shape, but the bolt pattern works and places everything in the right place!
So next up will be the chassis and suspension design!