Productive day today. With the rear suspension and subframe gone, it was time to pull the fuel tank. I knew there had been a mouse nest on top of it so expected to find a lot of crap up there, and had low expectations regarding the inside of the tank based on experience with the rally car. Tanks for these are cheap on rockauto though ($200) since the 318s have a smaller 14.4 gallon tank vs. the 16+ gallons on the 325s, and apparently nobody wants them, so they're cheap. So I already had one in my cart waiting to buy. Add to that that this tank has a big dent in one side (just like the rally car) where someone likely tried to use it as a jacking point. Add to that, Dan left a solid 8+ gallons of gas in it, and the drain plug wouldn't budge (and not like I can hit it with fire to loosen it!). So, dropped the tank with all the gas in it using a transmission jack after disconnecting the very dirty pump and just cutting alll the old hoses since they'll all get replaced. Actually came out nice and easy.

If you ever wondered what it looks like above an e30 gas tank...those are the e-brake cable tubes

Surprisingly little mouse junk on top, but it certainly SMELLS like mouse nest (ew). So then I manually poured it out into a couple 5-gal jugs via the filler neck. That will keep my lawn mower full all summer,...

It actually cleaned up well and other than a bit of surface rust around the seams, the tank looks to be in really good conidition. The metal "shield" piece on the front edge was pretty rusty (its there to protect the tank from impact if the driveshaft lets loose from the rear flange), but I don't think it goes "through" to the tank so not too worried about it

Amazingly, the inside of it looks perfect, so that's good news.

Interestingly, the lifter pump inside looks brand new (the one in the rally car was very rusty), so maybe that was replaced at one point. The level sender seemed to move through its motion well also, so can re-use that stuff.

There is a good dent on one side of the tank, but I can't see any real way to pound that out since it's not below the pump opening on the top. So it's probably shorting me 1/4 gallon or so.....I think I'll just deal with it and not replace the tank.

With that gone, got a good look at the rear brake line circuit and distro T......well totally rusty, all the lines are garabage and one totally broken off (which is why the PO ran an entirely new line since this is really hard to get to).

To add to that, the metal behind the bracket for the T fitting was rusted through into the back seat. I didn't notice that from the inside, but a few pokes and it was obvious....

So I cut all that out and patched it, and reattached the bracket with the last bit of my welding gas...

while I had the cutting wheel out I chopped out all the rotted area on the rear left, which I"ll replace later once I get more gas.

oh, and it was warm so I cleaned up and repainted the subframe with some hammered brown rattle-can I had sitting around. I'm toying with the idea of using this kind of paint on the whole car, we'll see. It looks cool though.

so, that's all for now