petey Reader
7/4/21 8:29 p.m.


about a year ago i stuffed a supercharged 4.6 4v ford into a volvo wagon. went well,not hard at all as engine swaps go,,,,but then the pos automatic trans let me down(i probably wired it wrong.whatevva)

ran and drove soooo nice except for the no shifty thing. so a year later it now has a tremec t45 in it, as well as the ecm and harness from a 1996 cobra,so now it has OBD2 capability

also swapped in some COPs from a later car to get rid of the ugly coil packs

might have it back on the road by next weekend

see you in a year!!!!



gumby Dork
7/4/21 9:17 p.m.

Looking good! Hope your T45 lasts longer than mine did after the 4v swap. I'm moving to a tr3650 this time.

petey Reader
7/4/21 9:21 p.m.

i dont beat up my stuff because im cheap and hate swapping transmissions. this be no race car this be a sweet street driver 

gumby Dork
7/4/21 9:27 p.m.

Pretty sure the previous owner of my T45 did all the beating up on it. 1-2 shift fork didn't survive the first hard shift at a TnT....
I also hate swapping transmissions without a removable bell. I'll be happy if this 3650 lives a good long street car life

petey Reader
7/4/21 9:45 p.m.

theyre kind of rare around here,but we do have a fella who rebuilds and upgrades any manual trans. hope to never have to call him on this one.


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