Neighbor without a computer asked me to post this for him.
1926(?) Model T Ford. Body is barely there but it is pretty much complete mechanically.
He says the engine turns over but I have not verified that.
He says he has a set of fenders for it but I have not seen them yet.
Pretty cold and windy day.
I will get pics of fenders if there is interest in this T.
With the Silage grinder is $100.00 more.

3/9/22 8:32 p.m.
Seems like a fair price. Such odd and interesting animals.
Forgot to mention the wheels.
They are rare 37 Lincoln Zephyr parts.
If I was into T's this one would become a period correct Speedster.
Not much more needed for that.
In reply to RichardSIA :
Any chance the coils boxes are around?
Not sure, would they be under the hood?
He has a lot of loose parts in the barn.
Oh, and sale pending.
I'm not sure and I can't tell from the photos on my phone, but the Zephyr wheels might mean it has juice brakes, which would be a huge upgrade. Regular Fords didn't get those until 1940.
Man I've wanted something primative for a bit, while you're too far to make a move for and pending now, this would have hit the spot.
In reply to RichardSIA :
They would be in the interior. Middle and under what's showing of the dash.
Neighbor without a computer
I bet he's happier that way.
Certainly one way to avoid stress in your retirement.
T may be for sale again, buyer is hesitating.
Supposed to decide tomorrow.
OK, still available.
Found fenders and a better grill shell for it too.
Sold, but now listed by the flipper on FB at a higher price.
No, local "Antiques" FB dealer.
More than a little annoyed as he also grabbed a genuine HD car trailer I had a deposit down on.
George is getting a little senile, he "Forgot" the trailer was supposed to be mine.