Want a unique reel to store your hose, your air lines, your exhaust tube, or just to bolt to the wall because it's cool? We've got a couple of wheels at our shop that were sent to us as test-fit projects from a vendor years ago that are no longer needed or wanted. They're both Superlite wheels (minlite replicas) from Australia, and I'm offering them for sale cheap. Now, if you want them for an actual car, cool, but I doubt that.
Here's what we did with an old Panasport at our shop as an example:
We have 2 wheels, a 15x6 spline drive and a 14x6 bolt-on. If memory serves, these were either for an MGB or a MG Midget, but I can't remember.
Keep in mind that we're selling the wheels - any mounting engineering and whatnot is up to you! $25/each plus shipping, first-come, first-serve. Either post here or email eclecticalan@gmail.com and I'll help you out.