I have a '64 MGB. The boot lid used to stand out a fair bit beyond the back of the car when it was closed. So.. I adjusted it.. and adjusted it. However, I didn't adjust the metal thingie that it latches to.
So now, it fits great! But it won't open anymore.
What are my options?
In reply to LuxInterior:
If you push down on the deck lid while pushing the button in and it still won't release you'll have to drill it out and get a new lock assy. It's a real PITA but necessary some times.
I got lucky. I pushed the button hard and pulled up with everything I had... It came open. I adjusted the little steel bar the catch hooks on and I'm back in business. Whew 
10/7/13 11:24 p.m.
Glad that worked out.
I was just dropping back by this thread to see if you'd changed your name to LoxInterior... 
Glad this worked out maybe some grease on latch hoop and silicon lock . I think they came factory out of skeww.
Karl La Follette wrote:
Glad this worked out maybe some grease on latch hoop and silicon lock ....
It's working, so I'm going to leave it as is. I don't want to confuse it by adding some strange foreign substance that it won't recognize... like Grease. 
I own a shop (Eclectic Motorworks) and have dealt with MGBs with stuck boots many times. With most of them, we take out the backup light and use a hook tool we've made to release the latch. Of course, your car is early enough so that it doesn't have backup lights. For those cars, we usually have to drill out the lock to get to the latch mechanism. You got lucky that you didn't have to do that!
When I adjust a boot latch, I usually do it from inside the trunk, with an assistant outside. I'm small enough that I can fit in there (spare tire out). I keep a flashlight so I can see and make the adjustment. My assistant then opens/closes the boot lid to check fit. Of course, my assistant is also there to call 911 if I get stuck, but that's pretty unlikely since I can just take it all apart from the inside.
Thanks for the tip... It never would have occurred to me to have myself locked in the trunk to adjust the latch. I can see my assistant (teenage daughter) loving this. "Daddy can we please adjust the trunk latch on the MG again?.." Classic cars... fun for the entire family 
I have been in my boot a couple of times to fine tune the adjustment. It's the way to go as long as you have tools with you and an assistant outside.