Triumph, having owned, 4 spits, GT6, TR4/6/250 and all the parts that come with them:
I'm happy to say, after the first 1/2 of my fun driving life, owning 356A Supers for some 20 years I switched to a TR4a, and Triumphs in general. At the same time I also bought a ‘69 tr6. Both were in very good condition. After ten years I sold the TR4a for what I paid for it and bought a very, very good condition TR250. The TR4 had a lot of miles and needed a good refresh. I used it every day except on salted roads. I took it on many week long vacations all over New England and eastern NY.
I never been stuck on the side of the road, ever. A generator wire fell off the generator once. I put it back on when I saw the needle reading 12VDC. One Saturday at 6:am I backed it out of the garage on my way to, Chatham Cape Cod and the clutch failed. Five hours later I backed out again and had a late lunch of Scallops and fries. I did keep a slew of radiator, hydraulic cylinders, exhaust pipe, regulators, disks, bearings, but seldom needed anything. It was still very dependable even when I sold it.
ThatTR6 I bought at the same time - I drove it all of 4 times for maybe 100 miles, that's it. I always took the TR4 over the TR6. For me the TR4 did not have to prove it’s self as a fast sports car for me it’s more an avatar for the golden age of classic sport motoring. My ’69 TR6 is not a fast car, it’s quick but it’s that exhaust sound that makes it appeal to me. The Triumph 6cyl engine - if I cannot be serenaded via, a Jag or DB 6cyl ($) then the sound of a strong Triumph 6cyl is a soothing alternative.
When I bought the TR250 a few years ago. I expected the same dependability and wonderful exhaust note that I’ve grown accustomed to.
Simply stated, the TR250 has been a wonderful contributor to my memory of calm back road sport driving. I’ve grown to think of it as an affordable, dare I say, DB5. The TR5 spec would be nice, but it would come at a cost in M.P.G. and I suspect wear, so I’m comfortable with it’s lesser performance. So, by all means I find a TR6, soundly satisfying a TR4 visually satisfying and the, TR250 most satisfying.
just my MHO