Hey every one! I am a HUGE fan of the AMLS and I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to watch old races. Now that SCCA World Challenge has moved to Versus they post the races to stream online but no such luck for AMLS. Also if anyone knows anything about watching the old show Legends of Motor Sport hosted by the all knowing David Hobbs I would be forever grateful.
www.grandtouringprototype.com has a lot of old IMSA GTP races on their site. And racefanstv.com or racefans.tv (or something similar) has a lot of older races of all types on their site.
Hurray!!! Another site to help me cancel work for today 
AmericanLemans.com/live has just a few races. You need to sign up for a free account.
Strike_Zero wrote:
Hurray!!! Another site to help me cancel work for today
Yes, I have wasted many an hour at GrandTouringPrototype.com.
Marshall Pruett is the E36 M3!