Harvey wrote:clutchsmoke wrote:Pretty sure you have to do more than just clean up the plugs. IIRC they had to clean out the throttle body or MAF or both when my wife flooded my car moving it from outside the garage to inside in 30 degree weather without warming it.Mad_Ratel wrote: I was going to ask why no one had mentioned the flooding. These cars HATE being started and moved a short distance. i.e. on a used dealer lot being shuffled around. There was a TSB at some point telling the dealer to always let the car get to full temp. I think it fouled the plugs if you did not let it get to full temp.Oh yeah good call on the plugs getting fouled by getting shuffled in a parking lot. Didn't even think of that! Yup its going to need plugs.
I wouldn't see how the throttle body or MAF would be affected, it would have to be working VERY wrongly to throw fuel that far back into the intake system if it's anywhere near my old FC vert's 13B. One of the first mods I made to the car was adding a fuel pump cutoff switch- made it easy to un-flood the engine and also made a good security measure to leave the convertible with the top down.
You actually can check compression with a normal non-rotary compression checker IIRC, you just have to be sitting and watching it vs. just hooking it up and spinning the engine and coming back. Watch to see where the needle bounces to for each of the rotors (I think on mine you just hold the pressure release down) and make note if one (or more likely two) are significantly lower.
I also never regretted unhooking the OMP system and premixing with my FC- it made me a LOT less concerned that the brittle nearly 20-year-old oil lines would clog or break and starve the engine of the combustion chamber lubricating oil. Did get plenty of funny looks dumping 2-stroke oil into the fuel filler though...