Hey ultra... you nailed it ; guess they thought if the buying public couldn’t see it, why put the effort in?
My wife will want me to just use it, but my ocd kicks in... if I know it’s there, it’ll bother me!
i don’t remember if you mentioned what your running?
We ain’t too far apart to meet up on a lake sometime. Socializing, and social distancing at the same time!
Not a bad idea. We haven't had the boat out at all this year because the local lakes have been amateur hour all the time when everyone was staying home. That and all the novice captains with their brand new go-fast boats...no thanks! All that seems to be getting better though. We were going to hit the lake last Friday but the storm came through, and then it was going to be Sunday morning but 20mph winds make a rough day in a small boat.
The boat is a '73 Chaparral 15 - the basic tri-hull ski boat that every family had. Still on the original '73 Evinrude 85HP V-4. I've redone some stuff and buffed her up but it's still just an old boat. Motor runs good, still running manual pre-mix. We run around the lakes outside Macon and take it down to a friends house on the marshes south of Savannah a few times a year. It's a great boat but it quickly gets beat up by all the big wake and ski boats on the lakes here.

This is a couple years ago at the sandbar in the marshes.
In reply to ultraclyde (Forum Supporter) :
I like your description of it! I can think of several family’s I went fishin’ With in the 70’s that had that type!
nice survivor.
I fit on the amateur hr category, but I have a lot of passenger seat time. And I’m hoping a little common sense will keep me from being one of “them”
I'm sure you'll be fine. Around here it's always too much speed, too much alcohol, and total ignorance of the rules. They assume it's the same as the road and it's not.
As for being new to it, the best advice anyone ever gave me is it's really easy to screw up by going too fast but it's nearly impossible to screw up by going too slow. (AKA never approach the dock or trailer faster than you're willing to hit it)
Great advice!
With this whooping 35 hp on a 1500 lb bass boat, I don’t think the local lake boaters will have to worry about my speed! Now 1hp, can still get ya in trouble at the dock!
9/21/20 8:32 p.m.
Try plugging in your boat and engine information on the link below I entered information on a similar 16 Ranger bass boat with the 35 HP 2 stroke, 2 people, 6 gallons of gas, a 10 gallon live well and it recommended two 3 bladed 11” pitch selections.
You want to be sure the engine can reach within 100 - 200 rpm of the rated WOT rpm. Lower pitch will raise rpm, higher pitch will lower it. Edited to add, looks like that vintage Johnson 35 hp 2 stroke was 5200-5800 rpm at wot, you should try to select a prop that will allow the engine to run in that range with the load you expect to carry. I’d try the 13” first and see where it runs. Every inch of pitch will change rpm around 100 rpm from my experience All this assumes an engine that’s running properly.
Found that last night. A ranger 186v with a 35hp on it get the response of “wtf you talking bout, Willis!!!”
just typing in 35 hp, gives you props available. A 3 blade 10 x 13 is one of them
good site, although a bit on the “click here dummy” side. But not their fault I’m outside the box. Again.
Never have done anything with the project boat, but in looking for a larger outboard and a trolling motor for it, I came across another Cobra for sale! This one is a couple feet shorter, and has a monster 115 on it!

Met the guy selling the short boat, but too much of a project... need to just get back to working on mine.
It was a copy of a ranger 155A. Found out a fella by the name of Dan Turner claims him and his partner built the 76-80 cobra bass boats. Said they worked at Stryker boats, made a splash from a boat due to come out early 77, and quit. Started a company in Huntsville AL for the cobras. Also said he hand laid the 'glass for all the hulls they made.
Wish I could meet him. Would love some more info, like production numbers, models, etc.
Also like to ask him about quality control!!!
I read through some of this post when it came up this morning. Then I saw Toyman's post about passing Curmudgeon on the leader board. I wasn't around for Curmudgeon but I do miss Ultraclyde. I am sure there are a bunch of past active members that fall into that category for people.
In reply to NY Nick :
That took me a moment to understand. Then I remembers he had passed. Had to look up and re-read the thread about that. He was such a nice guy and well missed by many of us.
Unfortunately, I've lost several acquaintances in the past year to heart attacks... coincidentally shortly after peer pressure telling them "I believe in science." I did not know him well enough to know if he did anything specific 2weeks before his heart attack or not, and it's not something acceptable to talk about, with folks that follow the popular opinions.