12/12/14 11:46 a.m.
Bought a 2010 Sonata two months ago. Nice car, is basically like new. Went to put something inside a few minutes ago, pulled the pass side door handle and it just came off in my hand! No effort, no snap or breaking sound, just basically fell off in my hand. What now? Is this a common problem? What is the fix?
That's not possible. Just ask Bob.
It's not just you:

Was it a CPO? It may still have warranty coverage.
12/12/14 1:04 p.m.
I took the Extended- covers everything super warranty, so it will be interesting to see if Car Max takes care of me.
Shouldn't this be covered under the 5yr 60,000 Hyundai factory warranty?
Same thing happened to my Maxima a number of years ago, lol..
12/12/14 5:26 p.m.
That's strikingly similar to my first Hyundai experience.
My friend bought a new first generation Excel back around 1987(?). He kept raving about how much car he got for the money. I was riding in the passenger seat the first week and when I tried to roll up the window, the crank snapped off in my hand.
I know that the new ones are exponentially better and have nothing but the name in common with those early cars, but it made a first impression that never really went away. It was reinforced when I had to change the tail light in my mother in law's Hyundai SUV. The whole light assembly felt incredibly fragile. I thought it was going to crumble in my hands.
My focus had something similar happen. It has been that way for over a year. Still haven't fixed it. 
It has a similar style handle.
Wife's 2012 Sonata Limited 2.0TGDI was a nice car with too many issues. We bailed. Might try another one in 20 years or so.
I'll never miss an opportunity for some Hyundai bashing! 
I think this is more a plastic door handle issue than a Hyundai issue.
Anybody own a Volkswagen from the 80's? Bad design, and fragile to boot...
/sits back and waits/