Back to work after two weeks off to settle into the new house. Spoiler alert, it was more than I anticipated and I have a lot left to do. We're still in the apartment, I took next week off and my goal is to be out by then. I'll put a couple highlights here.
Our bedroom started as this:

Scrapped the wallpaper and pulled the carpet:

And with the first coat of color paint, it is currently here:

One more coat of paint, some touch up on the ceiling, and a good cleaning on the floor and trim and one room will be done.
Every room in the entire house besides the kitchen and bathrooms had wallpaper. They now all do not.
I am very thankful for many friends who chipped in on wallpaper removal, it still took a long time, but at least that is out of the way.
Lots more to clean and patch and paint, etc, etc. There are other rooms in progress but I'm not going to post it all.
We do have a nice sunset view out of our bedroom windows.

Last weekend we went ahead and did some pluming to optimize water pressure since the house is on a well. It also is a general improvement in serviceability and reliability. Jacob has been doing a lot of this type of thing and was beyond helpful in getting it done.
The old water pipes were not routed efficiently at all, and included things like this...

So we ran some nice PEX for all the water lines in the house, and made our own manifold so it is easy to shut off any room needed.

So much more not pictured, and even more yet to do, but one step at a time I'm doing what I can. I will say we are very happy with our purchase, even with the extra work involved.