Opel GT being called "The poor Man's Corvette"
The experimental GT was made because GM needed a 140mph chassis and tasked Opel with it. That chassis was going into the 68 Vette. Opel made that for you. That's why they are so similar in looks and suspension. People liked it so it went into production. It wasn't a poor mans Vette, it was the proof of concept. Also, every guy at a car show telling me "My sister had one"
Salesmen who don't get that even though the brochure assures them that a automatic tranny with tiptronic is exactly the same or better than a traditional manual, its not. Salesmen who try to tell me that, "having a rear locker isnt that big of a deal!!". The kid down my street who has a 06 GTO....no reason, its a manual, its sexy and the kid hacked the crap out of it to put in some gawdawful loud stereo and has some ghetto rated chrome rims
Harley Davidsons, nothing worse than your chromed out, loud, out of tune POS bike idling beside me at lights....but why do they have to dress from the S&M/fetish leather wear section??
Throttle/steering by wire
Damn ya'll some hate'n mother berkeleyers.
6/9/14 2:06 p.m.
bravenrace wrote:
When people refer to a pickup truck saying it gets a certain mileage whether it's loaded or not. If that were true it would defy physics. It takes energy to do work. It takes more energy to do more work. A heavier load requires more energy to do more work, and that requires more fuel.
Yup. I remember an article complaining about how "bad" the mileage was on a Ford F150, pulling a 10,000 lb trailer from LA to Denver...
6/9/14 10:21 p.m.
People that get upset that you passed them without interfering with them in any way. What happens to people that could make them so insecure that, you doing your own thing, makes them dangerously irate?
There is WAY, WAY too much of this in the world. In fact, the abundance of this in the world is probably one of the main reasons i find it so tempting to be such a troll on the roads. When people get bothered by things i do for no justifiable reason, i always feel the need to give them a reason by minorly hassling them until they go away.
In fact, it's like some kind of magnetism. The slower you pass someone the more likely you are to 'collect' them into your wake. I think one of the reasons i 'pass like i mean it' is so i dont pick up as many of these people. 
Vigo wrote:
People that get upset that you passed them without interfering with them in any way. What happens to people that could make them so insecure that, you doing your own thing, makes them dangerously irate?
There is WAY, WAY too much of this in the world. In fact, the abundance of this in the world is probably one of the main reasons i find it so tempting to be such a troll on the roads. When people get bothered by things i do for no justifiable reason, i always feel the need to give them a reason by minorly hassling them until they go away. All they had to do was let me go...
This is a thing anyone who has ever lane split on a motorcycle understands completely. Especially if traffic is stopped. Why the berkeley does it bother you that I can fit thru the hole and you can't so I'm going to move on with my busy day and get where I'm going?
Do you really think screaming obscenities at me is going to make me hurt inside and regret getting to the beach 4hrs ahead of you? Do you really think that if you open your door in my path to try to injure me... that I'm not going to get off the bike and try to beat your fat ass into a rag doll in front of your family? I'm a stranger you just tried to assault for... going by without incident. What are you trying to accomplish in preventing me from getting somewhere you can't get to?
(head explodes)
In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:
The only problem I have with motorcyclists lane splitting is that I'm envious I can't do that same. But not in a 'I'm gonna send you to the hospital for some imperceptible slight against me' way by in a 'I wanna do that too but my car is a car not a motorbike' way.
rebelgtp wrote:
Gearheadotaku wrote:
"Why didn't you buy one with a V8?"
...at $4 bucks a gallon I can barely afford the V6!
Actually on some rigs it makes ALMOST no difference. When we bought the Charger I think over all the difference between the V6 and the V8 was 1 or 2 MPG. The V8 shuts down 4 cylinders when you are just cruising along calm and cool like so that really helps the mileage.
At a steady highway cruise, I agree. Stop and go traffic is a different story. Even worse is my lack of discipline to stay off the loud pedal. With the small engine I know there's no point to standing on it, so I don't throttle it as much.
ProDarwin wrote:
wbjones wrote:
ddavidv wrote:
Cold air intakes, and the people who usually buy them.
It's the rare care that simply adding one will do anything beyond generating some intake noise, but it's always Modification Number One for people other than those cruising around GRM land.
that was my second "mod" .. the first was a header …. whp went from 105 to 121, then the CAI took it to 131 .. and the torque increased an equal %
some cars really do improve with better breathing
This. I can't believe their is CAI hate here on GRM.
I hate it when someone uses the wrong "there"
Their - showing possession
There - showing location
They're - contraction of "They Are" - describing a thing or a group of things

I deserve that. I'm not usually one to screw that up. On a similar note, I believe "lose" is the most commonly misspelled word on the internet (loose).
yes, you're desiel engines' tourqe does not impress me.
6/10/14 10:54 a.m.
The only problem I have with motorcyclists lane splitting is that I'm envious I can't do that same. But not in a 'I'm gonna send you to the hospital for some imperceptible slight against me' way by in a 'I wanna do that too but my car is a car not a motorbike' way.
Well, to be honest my problem with it is i consider myself to own my entire damn lane from stripe to stripe and front bumper to back bumper plus a few inches (i dont ask for much there!). I am ok with bikes, or anyone else for that matter, bypassing traffic as long as they dont do it in my personal space. Cruise down the shoulder. Cruise in onncoming traffic lanes. Cruise down the median. But no, i will not happily 'share' my lane, and i'm not going to feel obligated to check my mirrors for wack-job bikers before opening my door in a parking lot when the vehicles in the parking spaces next to me are at a complete stop.
Honestly, i really DONT care if people dive through medians or cruise up the shoulder or down the turn lane or whatever. I've exited onramps before. Im usually the one guy with the tiny little car bombing through the weeds at 30 mph to get to the access road. But when cyclists cruise through your lane thinking it's your job to cover their ass on threat of them starting a fight or taking you to court, they are just being complete E36 M3heads. Do it on the shoulder/turn lane/somewhere where it's not my problem. Anytime you are cruising within arm's reach of another self-propelled object at high speeds, everything that follows is your fault. This does not change depending on what you're driving. I am not a big fan of the term 'defensive driving' but i am all about managing risk while doing illegal things and to me that is just foolish.
In reply to Lancer007:
I get very irritated if they do that at speed and whizz past me, usually startling me because I didn't see them coming.
In reply to wlkelley3:
Yeah, in my response I was thinking of when traffic is stopped and the bike is doing maybe 15-20 mph. Them lane splitting at speed or through moving traffic aggrevate me.
So you lane-splitters will keep your mouths shut when me and the guy next to me in traffic pull within 18" of each other to block you as long as we stay in our lanes correct?
Mot much really bothers me but political bumper stickers, Calvin pissing on things bumper stickes, truck nuts, open piped Harleys.
6/10/14 3:53 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
Mot much really bothers me but political bumper stickers, Calvin pissing on things bumper stickes, truck nuts, open piped Harleys.
all of those … and add texting drivers
93EXCivic wrote:
Mot much really bothers me but political bumper stickers, Calvin pissing on things bumper stickes, truck nuts, open piped Harleys.
A few months ago I saw a 'Calvin pissing on the Toyota logo' decal.
On a Camry.

6/10/14 4:17 p.m.
The rears are shoes, the fronts are pads (at least on the crapcans that I drive)
Lane splitting is legal in California. Obstructing a moto and/or endangering a rider will get you in a heap of trouble.
Riding on the median or the shoulder is illegal for motos, they're riding where they're supposed to be...
My car guy pet peeve? How negative car guys are.
Want proof? This topic has stayed on the first page for days while the positive car guy thread is buried on the fourth page
docwyte wrote:
Lane splitting is legal in California. Obstructing a moto and/or endangering a rider will get you in a heap of trouble.
Riding on the median or the shoulder is illegal for motos, they're riding where they're supposed to be...
Not me, I just happened to hug the line conicidentally at the very same time the car in the next line did the same.
Sucks to be him (motorcyclist), I don't care what state I'm in!