I've always been fond of nicknames for cars.
You know, 'The Abomination', etc.
The folks at Hertz gave me a dark red Chevy Impala this week.
So of course, I have wonder about naming it 'Vlad, the Impala'.
OK, that's all I got, any other 'clever' names to share?
My gf named my Trooper "Fidel," and it stuck. Something about the third-worldness of it. She says my next vehicle is going to be named "Raúl." 
2/13/13 5:39 p.m.
My family always named our cars, but for some reason it never really took for my cars. Maybe it was the extent to which they've been science projects... I tried to call my '84 GTI Rudy (for "Rudy the Rabbit", from Meatballs).
The only other thing wasn't exactly a name, but I had a Mercury Marquis for a while, and had a little additional sticker made up at Kinko's, proclaiming it to be a Marquis "De Sade Edition".
My truck is "Snowflake" because its all white and blends in with the snow.
The Corvette alternates between "Vette Middler" and "That piece of crap sitting on jackstands"
My Sable was either the Mercury Disable or Buick LeSable.
My buddy called his old 03 GSXR-600 "The Buick" because of the size of the trunk. Anyone who has had an 01-04 GSXR can confirm this, the trunk is the size of a shoebox, which is huge on a sport bike.
I end up calling them all berkeleying bitch at some time or another
I call my wifes BMW Charlie Sheen, because it has no business running or looking as good as it does for the life that its lived. And its kind of thirsty too.
In high school my dad gave me his 1985 Chevy C-10 truck. With 2 bent wheels it had a strong vibration around 35 mph. My friends ended up naming it "Magic Fingers" after the coin-operated bed
My F150 that I drove around back in high school was nicknamed The Great Pumpkin, because it was highway saftey orange. It was originally owned by the county road maintenance department.
while I do name most of my cars.. friend of mine that had a 71 firebird had his named "the bondo beast" for a reason
2/13/13 5:51 p.m.
My 1995 Mustang GT, red convertible = "The Prom Car"
My Italian Red VFR = "The Shark"
2/13/13 6:02 p.m.
The ancient Ford pickup I came home from the hospital in when I was born was called the Green Turd. It was followed by a '64 F250 called White House (I have no idea, other than it was white). But when a forklift came off the truck that was carrying it up the hill past our apartment in S.F. and rolled down into White House, it got re-dubbed Rumpletruckskin.
My wife seems to name all the vehicles around here.
But I named my XJ Cherokee "Hiawassee"
Only car I ever nicknamed was a hand-me-down Daewoo, called the Crapmobile for reasons that are obvious to anyone unfortunate enough to have owned a Daewoo.
If I was hanging out with friends and we had to drive somewhere, I'd say, in an Adam West voice, "Quickly, to the Crapmobile!"
2/13/13 6:37 p.m.
The idea of naming cars that already were already given a name is weird to me. The furthest I've ever gone to naming them is when I had two of the exact same car (Volvo 122 wagon). I called one "Blue" and the other "Green" for obvious reasons. I think I was raised in a way that we didn't name "stuff" that may come or go. When we had pigs, they were named "Pork" and "Chop"...
"Rusty" has been a common nickname for many of my cars. The Eclipse is "Rusty IV."
My Dad had a 4dr '76 Nova previously owned by the Suffolk County Water Authority on LI. Odd shade of blue. Midas had a commercial at the time of a blue car constantly backfiring and generally in bad shape. It was the blue bomber. I named my Dad's car that. Blue bomber That guy could have been my Dad.

2/13/13 6:52 p.m.
erohslc wrote:
So of course, I have wonder about naming it 'Vlad, the Impala'.
OK, that's all I got, any other 'clever' names to share?
Carmageddon's best car (IMO) was the Hevy Impaler.
My co-worker calls my car "Lumpy". I call it Grace, after a comic character who is a kind of chimeric mish-mash of all sorts of species.
Used to have a red '90 Miata with matching hardtop. Looked fairly good, and at first seemed pretty cool. Then a bunch of little things about it started annoying the Hell outta me... Named it Kathy Griffin.
Also had an'87 mr2, named Tricia Nixon... No idea why.
Current fleet---
'92 Mariner Blue Miata --- "Rusty the Smurf"
'01 Jeep Cherokee Sport --- "Billy"
'91 Mercedes 300e --- "Li'l Hitler"
'94 Miata turbo --- "The Atomic Hairball"
My buddy had a Taurus in high school that I called the clit-taurus
1990 Honda Civic -- "Smelvin"
When I bought it, the trunk and interior were moldy and musty, the smell was enough to make you vomit.
In reply to grafmiata:
I would have called it Andy Dick on days it really pissed me off, though they are the same person, Andy is a more useless and annoying "thing"
My Dad had a '76 GMC stepside named "Honey Bell"
2/13/13 7:16 p.m.
I never named cars until I bought my 86 GTi. I started calling her little car which in no time became LC. A short time later I told my Wife about something I had to buy for LC and was asked "Who is Elsie?"... Soon the naming cars bit took off. My F250 4wd Supercab Diesel became Leviathan. And when my 97 Jetta was bought my son proclaimed her PJ.
Funny thing. Our 92 Maxima never got a name. And the GMC Safari we used to have was just "the van"...
Somehow, the Ridgeline became known as "The Truck."
I've had a series of VWs:
Clyde (Rabbit)
the Limo (Rabbit)
Millennium Clyde (Rabbit)
Bionic Clyde (81 Scirocco)
Obi-Clyde Kenobi (88 16v Scirocco)
Darth Clyde (80 Scirocco)
Sasha (75 Stingray)
Moby, the great white Greyhound bus (91 Passat Wagon)
Moby 2 (02 Jetta wgn 1.8t)
Maxwell (wife's smart fortwo)
RaceClyde (83 Gti)
Donatella (88 Alfa Spider Veloce)