DirtyBird222 said:
I've raced with the dude before in Champcar, not a bad guy at all, a bit of a d1ckhead (like arriving via helecopter 5 minutes before the drivers meeting at Palm Beach, but aren't we all d1ckheads at one point or another?), but super approachable, loves to talk cars, helpful, and appreciative of help he receives at the track.
But did he make it to the driver's meeting? Maybe the guy had a very critical meeting and the chopper was the only way to get to the track for the meeting on time? Sure, seems like a tool move, but at least he made the effort instead of skipping it.
Why is arriving at a track in a helicopter a dick move? The dick move is to criticize it. People needing to get over themselves is the real problem.
The spectator drags were a hell of a show! Pretty sure the winning Tesla was on racing slicks and the corvettes with huge aero were amazing to watch gain 4-5 car lengths in the corners. I'm not sure those fit the intent of racing "street" cars, but makes for some excitement on the track for sure. It may have been my favorite event I've seen there.
12/12/22 11:17 a.m.
Whether you like Cleetus or not, you have to admit that his persona has certainly generated the desired attention in this forum... 13 pages and counting.
RacetruckRon said:
In reply to Tk8398 :
you guys are still trying to make the political slander work as a talking point 7 pages later? This forum is devolving into facebook levels of petty political slants and mindless being right just to be right. God forbid someone has a different set of life experiences and has a different point of view than you.
It's interesting that this happens on every forum and even amongst family members who love each other and come together for a holiday meal. We aren't well evolved to deal with the machines forcing us to take a side and then defend it at all costs. It's revealing of how our still primitive brains do work and only when we recognize it for what it is can we expect to do better.
NickD said:
Regardless of whether you like him or not, this post is kind of infuriating. The Freedom Factory and the neighboring Bradenton Motorsports Park were built way outside the urban development boundaries for noise considerations, now the county wants to build a housing development right next door. We've seen how this scenario plays out all over the country already.
"ATTENTION neighbors, friends, and followers. Bradenton Motorsports Park and the Freedom Factory are facing a major threat… 4,500 new homes right next door to our historic racetracks. On December 15th, 2022 the Manatee Country Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing to consider and act upon this application. 50+ years ago Manatee County moved the racetracks out passed the “Urban Development Boundary” to get noise out of their neighborhoods… now they’re preparing to let a neighborhood be built RIGHT NEXT DOOR! We all know how this works… new neighbors come in and complain about the racetracks (that were there before them) until they’re stripped of their rights to operate like normal. We want current and new residents of Manatee County to be happy... putting newcomers next door to a busy racetrack is a bad idea. What the heck is an Urban Development Boundary if we don’t follow it? We cannot let this happen. We ask that any Manatee County residents who care about our tracks will come and speak in the hearing on December 15th at 9am at the Manatee County Administrative Center. If you cannot make it, we ask that you respectfully contact the commissioners via their emails that are provided below. PLEASE be respectful to these people as we need them on our side"
RIP to the Freedom Factory and BMP. There is next to zero chance the county won't approve the housing development. Then, the Karen's move in and won't rest until they have sued their way into closing the track.
My in laws have a condo in Sarasota and I went to BMP in February. My first thought driving out 64 is that this place is doomed. They are building housing everywhere out there.
12/13/22 9:01 a.m.
I don't know if they'll be able to stop any encroaching development especially with how much of a wild west with how stuff gets approved in Florida counties. County commissions approve anything and everything without any actual thought
In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
I know what you mean. My aunt and uncle live in a 50 year old development off 72 next Myakka Valley State Park. This past Thanksgiving, I was riding with my cousin who is a year or so older than me and he was musing about how much 72 has changed since they first moved there in the mid-70's. There are huge developments going up all along 72 now.
The thing is, 4500 units represents a lot of tax revenue. Probably a LOT more than BMP is paying. So I agree with your prediction.
12/13/22 9:54 a.m.
Especially since Florida doesn't have a state income tax, so most of their money comes from property taxes....
In reply to docwyte :
Exactly. Cleetus is fighting the rising tide at this point. I'd say his chances of blocking the development is less than 5%. I hope my prediction ages poorly after this is all said and done.
12/13/22 10:51 a.m.
There is a lot of car enthusiast and car collector money in that part of Florida, and I'd like that influence to save both locations, but have my doubts they could do anything to stop suburban Florida sprawl
Then again, Showtime Speedway in an industrial area of Clearwater and Largo, FL can survive, but its also far enough away from the cookie cutter subdivision and planned development areas and somehow Motor Enclave can be built right off i75 in Tampa...
If the land is not a future Superfund site, I would imagine he will be able to subdivide and sell it off at a tidy profit if/when that day comes. It's not like this is the only track he runs his productions at. Could even get plenty of donations to "Save The Freedom Factory" before that day comes, and then rinse and repeat at anther track somewhere else. That is, if this business model has already proven profitable.
I know "poor" farmers who have been buying land just outside of urban sprawl for decades, and selling when the land values go up. They make far more money doing that than they do farming.
12/13/22 12:42 p.m.
I hope that he can somehow leverage his fame and popularity and success to save it.
Reading comments of Facebook, locals are saying that the law enforcement is struggling to curb street racing and is begging people to go use BMP....and now the local government wants to go close BMP. Brilliant.
NickD said:
Reading comments of Facebook, locals are saying that the law enforcement is struggling to curb street racing and is begging people to go use BMP....and now the local government wants to go close BMP. Brilliant.
Doesn't this pretty much already indicate that street racers gonna street race, whether or no there is a track nearby?
I'm all for saving a track when it makes sense. I'm not familiar enough with this area to have any idea whether or not it makes sense here. Often it seems like most track owners would be best served selling and moving elsewhere. When development gets that close to the track it has a lot more value as homes/commercial space than it does as an occasional playground for car guys.
BUT, lets not pretend tracks really have a significant impact on street racing.
BMP just made a major improvement to the drag strip, and had been shut down for at least three months until recently. I would imagine a lot of the street racing really took off during that time.
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Watched it last night. Other than my displeasure with some rule bending and rules seemingly made up (the hardbody did not steal the C7's line and run him into the wall, yet the track tesla was stealing people's lines on every run nearly causing a fwe wrecks), it was fun to watch.
I'm curious who was driving the XSA C5. I'm figuring it is a Florida man, and possibly someone on here. JG maybe? That thing was perfect for that event. Massive amounts of downforce, quicker than nearly everything else, grip that no one else seemed to be able find, and a hell of a driver. Proof that autox makes you better driver.
12/13/22 3:14 p.m.
In reply to jmabarone :
I've raced with the dude before in Champcar, not a bad guy at all, a bit of a d1ckhead (like arriving via helecopter 5 minutes before the drivers meeting at Palm Beach, but aren't we all d1ckheads at one point or another?), but super approachable, loves to talk cars, helpful, and appreciative of help he receives at the track.
But did he make it to the driver's meeting? Maybe the guy had a very critical meeting and the chopper was the only way to get to the track for the meeting on time? Sure, seems like a tool move, but at least he made the effort instead of skipping it.
If I had multiple ways to make it to a drivers meeting, and one was a helicopter. I think 10/10 id take the helicopter.
79rex said:
In reply to jmabarone :
I've raced with the dude before in Champcar, not a bad guy at all, a bit of a d1ckhead (like arriving via helecopter 5 minutes before the drivers meeting at Palm Beach, but aren't we all d1ckheads at one point or another?), but super approachable, loves to talk cars, helpful, and appreciative of help he receives at the track.
But did he make it to the driver's meeting? Maybe the guy had a very critical meeting and the chopper was the only way to get to the track for the meeting on time? Sure, seems like a tool move, but at least he made the effort instead of skipping it.
If I had multiple ways to make it to a drivers meeting, and one was a helicopter. I think 10/10 id take the helicopter.
I watch him regularly. His other passion is flying and helicopters. He is working on getting his pilots license and, iirc, his brother has his license and a helicopter.

d_jabsd said:
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Watched it last night. Other than my displeasure with some rule bending and rules seemingly made up (the hardbody did not steal the C7's line and run him into the wall, yet the track tesla was stealing people's lines on every run nearly causing a fwe wrecks), it was fun to watch.
I'm curious who was driving the XSA C5. I'm figuring it is a Florida man, and possibly someone on here. JG maybe? That thing was perfect for that event. Massive amounts of downforce, quicker than nearly everything else, grip that no one else seemed to be able find, and a hell of a driver. Proof that autox makes you better driver.
That was former SS National champ Ian Stewart. His C5 is a monster. Close to 700hp from an HP Research LS7 and he uses every last horse.
I was there, and had a better time than expected. The all-wheel drive cars have an obvious advantage, I think good old Cleet should even up the playing field. Either have rolling starts, or you have to stay in your lane until halfway down the back stretch. That'll make some closer racing at the finish line.
preach (dudeist priest) said:
Scotty Con Queso said:
NickD said:
Regardless of whether you like him or not, this post is kind of infuriating. The Freedom Factory and the neighboring Bradenton Motorsports Park were built way outside the urban development boundaries for noise considerations, now the county wants to build a housing development right next door. We've seen how this scenario plays out all over the country already.
"ATTENTION neighbors, friends, and followers. Bradenton Motorsports Park and the Freedom Factory are facing a major threat… 4,500 new homes right next door to our historic racetracks. On December 15th, 2022 the Manatee Country Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing to consider and act upon this application. 50+ years ago Manatee County moved the racetracks out passed the “Urban Development Boundary” to get noise out of their neighborhoods… now they’re preparing to let a neighborhood be built RIGHT NEXT DOOR! We all know how this works… new neighbors come in and complain about the racetracks (that were there before them) until they’re stripped of their rights to operate like normal. We want current and new residents of Manatee County to be happy... putting newcomers next door to a busy racetrack is a bad idea. What the heck is an Urban Development Boundary if we don’t follow it? We cannot let this happen. We ask that any Manatee County residents who care about our tracks will come and speak in the hearing on December 15th at 9am at the Manatee County Administrative Center. If you cannot make it, we ask that you respectfully contact the commissioners via their emails that are provided below. PLEASE be respectful to these people as we need them on our side"
RIP to the Freedom Factory and BMP. There is next to zero chance the county won't approve the housing development. Then, the Karen's move in and won't rest until they have sued their way into closing the track.
My in laws have a condo in Sarasota and I went to BMP in February. My first thought driving out 64 is that this place is doomed. They are building housing everywhere out there.
Maybe I'm too old school but I don't think Cletus should have dressed like Cletus in front of city council.
In reply to d_jabsd :
he already has his license, and owns a helicopter.

I suppose everything is relative w/regards to safety. It may be safer than many dirt track races...but could have been considerably better with not much more expense or changes. I know auto-x guys who all-the-HANS-all-the-time. As shown even in 200x drag racing, safety gear makes big difference.
My opinion doesn't count for much. I had an opportunity to race on a champcar team. SWMBO said no-way. I helped out in the pits and at the end of the day came to the same conclusion...not for me.
All the drivers in the crown Vic races use hans devices.