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wspohn HalfDork
6/19/17 4:39 p.m.
My Z4M coupe is about to go up for sale as part of a fleet size reduction, and that fits nicely in with the rest of your list. It has been a fantastic car and I would recommend one.

Agree. Unless you are one of the bunch that have to have a V8 or they don't feel like real men, a straight six is the sweetest sound out there (barring a V12). Love my Z4M coupe.

Vigo UltimaDork
6/19/17 7:17 p.m.

I think the early part of the learning curve of performance driving becomes very difficult in fast cars. Seen it plenty of times when i used to autocross.

On the other hand, i think the problem of becoming jaded is more in your head than in your car. There are some people who will say 'sport bikes are fast, 99% of cars are slow' or 'fwd cars almost never handle worth a damn' and stuff like that and end up painting themselves into a tiny little corner with what cars they are comfortable allowing themselves to enjoy or admitting to enjoy. They end up just coming off as snobs who give the impression of being compensation machine drivers more than true enthusiasts.

My first car was a Cadillac Cimarron and my last car (purchase) was a Porsche 911. I would definitely buy another Cimarron and still find myself flogging the wheels off of things with 85 hp. I love my 911 but it's been buried in a friends garage getting some work on the rear bumper for 2 wks and I haven't missed it. I don't think my 911 is particularly fast, although it tops out at ~175. I also don't find my slow cars particularly slow even though I have a couple right now that do 18-19 sec 1/4 miles. I'm not given to writing off the possibility of having fun in ANY car. I'm the least jaded car enthusiast there is, and lucky for it.

So, depending on your personality, there may be no downside to jumping straight into something like a 996TT. But, if you're new to performance driving and want to improve, I wouldn't buy that car to do it in as it may do as much harm as good in the short term.

Mitchell UberDork
6/20/17 12:27 a.m.

Or, you could get a 2008 Aston Martin for $40k with 32k mi and three pedals. Link

It's hard to beat Aston Martin cool.

Blaise Reader
6/20/17 8:51 a.m.

I've been struggling with this too.

Fortunately (?) finances don't permit climbing the ladder. I've been rocking broken down <$2k CL toys for almost 15 years now.

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