Hi Guys and Gals,
Another Civic question. Came off the road last Thursday and dropped off the rental, only to find the Civic wouldn't start. Dead battery. Aarrgghh!! Luckily I had a battery in the trunk that I had forgotten to put in the garage, and this got the car started. Couldn't figure out what was the problem till I got home and walking into the house, I looked back and saw the brake lights all on. Walked back and disconnected the battery as I didn't have time figure it out and had to leave for Atlanta in a few hrs. So something is keeping the brake lights on. I am electrically incompetent, so can someone give me guidance on a diagnostic procedure? As always your help is much appreciated!!!
5/2/11 12:28 p.m.
Simple things first. Is the physical switch at the brake pedal stuck or being held engaged somehow?
Brake lamp switch and retainer are cheap.
There is usually a little rubber cap on the tip of plunger in the brake light switch. The plunger is above the brake pedal shaft and gets released when you press the brake pedal. Not having that little cap means the plunger is always slightly released and the brake lights stays on.
5/2/11 1:40 p.m.
Try just lifting up on your brake pedal to see if they go off. Once you get used to it, you wont even notice that you'll be do it in your next 3 vehicles. 
What Mr Joshua said. very common on zx2's
Just got back from a hospital stay and followed Mr. Joshua's advice. Sorted!!! Thanks Josh, and thanks to all who responded!!