I'm looking at Koni sports for my tdi wagon and recalled years ago Ground Control had an option for the mk4 Volkswagens that was the typical top adjustment knob instead of the "remove shock compress and twist" adjustment that the mk4 shocks originally came with.
After some internet searching I stumbled across this thread which had exactly what I'm talking about. Looking at the pictures and reading to the bottom of the thread I noticed that they are Ford Focus rear shocks Koni (8041-1286Sport) So it seems at first glance that GC simply supplied the Ford Focus shocks, with the correct spacer/washer stackup to make these work.
Is there a way from that part number to determine the length/stroke of that particular shock? I couldn't find any such information on Koni's website and I assume it's a bit outside the normal scope of what the avg koni sport buyer cares about.
mk4 wagons used a longer shock than the sedan/hatchback's and while I plan to lower the car a bit I don't want to wind up with a rear shock that's holding the car too low so I was hoping to measure one of my factory shocks and compare to the koni before measuring.
Added bonus. Not only is the Focus Koni easier to adjust, it's also about $50 cheaper than the VW one!
Heres the thread I'm referring too:http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?5181470-DIY-How-to-install-the-rear-Ground-Control-Koni-adjustable-kit-for-MKIV