9/3/15 1:19 p.m.
Saw these on a customer car:
WOW these look like the good old Blizzak WS50s. Sadly the customer's tires were worn down to air so I have no idea what the rubber compound is like, if it's regular rubber or the vulcanized magic that Bridgestone used to use.
Thinkin' that I'll try a set on the Volvo this winter. Anybody have experience with these?
Free bump for you since it's a good question.
9/4/15 4:35 p.m.
Well, I'll buy a set. Was thoroughly unimpressed with the Generals on a non-AWD car. They're cheap enough (my size at Summit is $80/pop) and I really do miss the Blizzaks I had on my Golf.
What size generals were you running and what size was oem?
Unimpressed on the street snow/ice or rallycross dirt/snow/ice?
I've run too-wide generals and more narrow than oem and been please all the way around.
I wouldn't expect the falkens to have the same special-sauce compounding as the WS50s even if the tread is similar.
9/4/15 6:03 p.m.
Chris, 185/65-15s (which is, oddly enough, the size that Volvo recommends for winter tires). They just didn't impress me. Street use. Okay on snow but we don't get "snow", we get snow that melts and turns to ice, so ice is what I am concerned with. Blizzaks were magic on ice and still pretty good in snow. The Generals are "okay" in snow and "not very good" on ice.
Granted, the car was all but undrivable on summer tires, so maybe I am expecting too much of a 3200lb front-driver.
I only rallycrossed the Volvo one time, and wouldn't you know it, the RX-7's rally tires/wheels fit the car
The Magnaflow cat, boost controller, and the springs and adjustable shocks put the car in Prepared anyway.
Not sure if I am going to sell off what is left of the Generals or just rotate them to the RX-7 for use as street tires. I'm certainly not going to use them for another winter, one way or the other.
I could use two decent 185/65R15 generals for the sentra. One got a flat late last season and I gave the punctured one and its mate to Evan. They're the ones you guys used on the rear of the RX7 the one time.
Anyway, I'd lean towards your expecting too much of a 3200 lb open-diff turbo fwd-er 
Let us know how the Falkens perform.
9/4/15 7:06 p.m.
In reply to cghstang:
The good one you gave me is now on the Miata with a good one from the Volvo after I replaced a pair due to one puncture.

Looks an awful lot like a Dunlop Graspic DS3, which I've been using on the e34.
Personally, I prefer non directional snow tires so that they can be rotated side to side.
They are "OK" but don't seem to have the same longitudinal grip that some other snow tires have. Lateral is ok--and they hate the super-cooled snow/slush/ice/salt mix that we get around here on the roads after salt/before a good plowing. Dunlop WinterMaxx are better in that price range. I've heard good things about the newest Yokohama Iceguard…that's what I'm trying this winter.