You're over thinking it. Both cars will work fine, one better than the other.
When your first is on the way, especially if you're not the one carrying the little beast, the tendency is to find something to fixate on that you have control over. I redid the living room, you're looking at cars, we all pour our energy into something.
I'd suggest car seat hunting. See what you can find that works in your cars now. Put it in and go grocery shopping. Put a couple bags of groceries in it and take them inside. Get used to clicking and unclicking it. If you do that twice a week for a month you'll have a much better idea about how your current cars will work.
2/13/17 9:25 p.m.
The0retical wrote:
we decided the cost of the detachable bassinet for all of 6 months of their lives wasn't worth it.
Made for an interesting argument with one of the nurses when we left the hospital.
We were in the same boat, I am pretty sure the hospital staff decided we were poor people taking the bus back to the homeless shelter or something, when we didn't have the click-in seat up in the room to carry the kid out in. Yeah, it was weird.
Car seats without 40 pound clicky handle thingies do exist for newborns (5 pounds and up!). They're rated perfectly safe. You can use them until the kid is ready for a booster seat. They fit in many cars that other seats do not. Like Miatas. And older Audi A4's... one guy who bought a car from me actually had the glove box removed to make room for the knees of the front seat passenger. WTF. No. Just buy a normal car seat without a dang handbasket.
I'll admit the 'strap-em-in-a-carry-basket and set them down where you are' thing is handy sometimes from age 0-1. We grabbed an older free craigslist handbasket seat to use for that. Came up about 5 times. Ain't no way in hell I was gonna put that behemoth in a car every day for 6 months and I certainly wasn't going to pay $300 for the privilege. Similarly, once or twice the kid was asleep and we wanted the kid to stay asleep so we actually unbuckled the whole dang seat and brought it in the house. You can still do that. It doesn't weigh any more than the carry basket type really.
Whew. Ok. Sorry. The view that you 100% must have a handbasket seat with click-in base annoys me a little in case you can't tell. :p
I hear the hatches of Corvettes are now socially acceptable storage areas for kids.