I do believe my chassis (134) is currently being produced if my make-believe timetable is correct. Hope to get a happy off to powdercoater email this week :)
Got to get cracking on the suspension stripping, its only about half done. V8R subframe and final bits are due from the powdercoater this week as well.
7/21/15 10:06 a.m.
So what are the specs engine-wise on the Exocet that ran this years UTCC?
250ish. Just a nice, solid tune from DIY Autotune. I made a nice (hidden) duct tape shroud for the radiator to be sure, but we were rock solid on temps and ran the full length of every session. The driver was very conservative with the car, and it was pretty much: show up, run a session, let it cool down, fuel up, run another session, repeat, pack up. Very nice to have solid Miata reliability, especially when cars were dropping like flies due to the heat.
Fun fact, it was about 2/10s slower than a fellow Exocet owner's BAC Mono at UTCC. He's significantly faster at Atlanta Motorsports Park in his lightly turbo'd Exocet than his Mono. I feel pretty good about that, especially since he literally has 1/10th the money in the Exocet.
New Reader
7/21/15 3:40 p.m.
Warren, nice to hear that XP-4 performed well. How much will GRM allow for results talk prior to the mag issue? I am really curious on how EP-4 did against some of the others...818, Atom, V8R, etc.
The results are all public, as long as you know who's driving what.
7/21/15 6:51 p.m.
Full results: http://timingscoring.drivenasa.com/NASA_Mid_Atlantic_Region/2015%20-%20Unofficial%20Results/July%202015%20-%20Virginia%20International%20Raceway%20Unofficial%20Results/2015%20UTCC%20Overall%20Final%20Results.pdf
What is the story with the Toyota Camry?
I just found the full results with cars. (Edit: herpaderp, too slow to post)
The 818s were a no-show. They have had very bad luck at the event in the past in regards to reliability. No Atoms showed up either, but they don't really have anything to prove. VIR's full course is more horsepower/drag rather than grip/weight, so the lightweights get a little left out. I did get to see the new 365hp turbo TMI Atom 3S up at their facility, and it looks fantastic. I wouldn't be surprised to see them break 2:00 with A-compounds. It would be news to me if V8 Roadsters attended. I certainly didn't see them.
XP-4 did a 2:11 . I am good friends with the driver, and he's an excellent human being and took care of the car, but he'll be the first to tell you that he's not a pro, and he had only driven an Exocet once before the event. The BAC Mono driver (a very accomplished, practiced, and skilled man) handed his keys to Mike Skeen, who promptly found 7 seconds. There's a substantial driver component here.
Cars faster than XP-4 that day:
- A Dodge Neon
- A Toyota Camry
- A Ford Fairlane
As this list implies, you probably should read the article when it comes out. There was some seriously crazy-awesome hardware there. The Fairlane is one of the craziest things I've seen turn a track. The Camry was Tony Stewart's road course NASCAR. Here's a video of the insane record lap of that Neon.
Looks like you guys are using v1 CTS-V differentials in the v8 exocets...
Does anyone make a mount to bolt in a v2 (supercharged) CTS-V diff into the miata subframe? The ears are in different locations.
xm3ntal wrote:
Looks like you guys are using v1 CTS-V differentials in the v8 exocets...
Does anyone make a mount to bolt in a v2 (supercharged) CTS-V diff into the miata subframe? The ears are in different locations.
You can use any 7.5 getrag, I got one from an STS with the LSD in it. The V diff is physically larger and heavier - a waste when no one will ever outpower then 7.5 in such a light chassis.
New Reader
7/22/15 8:50 p.m.
Dietcoke wrote:
xm3ntal wrote:
Looks like you guys are using v1 CTS-V differentials in the v8 exocets...
Does anyone make a mount to bolt in a v2 (supercharged) CTS-V diff into the miata subframe? The ears are in different locations.
You can use any 7.5 getrag, I got one from an STS with the LSD in it. The V diff is physically larger and heavier - a waste when no one will ever outpower then 7.5 in such a light chassis.
Thanks for the reply. I am working on stuffing a bmw s65 v8 into one of these. Doing my research now before I place a deposit....
Nice. There's an S62 on one of the racks here at work. It's...big, compared to an LS or SBF. I'm not sure how the S65 compares to the S62 size wise but let me know if you need any dimensions.
"There was a delay with the 1.5x1" tube stock we use on the front end of the car near the radiator and we have been told to expect the final parts in hand this week from the supplier. I'll send over the final invoice and some photos as soon as the car is through QC and ready to go to powder so we can nail down a good date for pickup"
Got this yesterday. Shant be long. Can't wait to see how the transparent copper powder looks
I've gone and done it. Had a meeting with my boss this morning to talk about the promotion I put in for, and the pay increase is even larger than expected. So, no need to wait for my stock options to mature next summer. Talked w/ Mr Tanner a little while ago and put down my order for a Sport kit w/ steel floors and a double diagonal roll bar. Not comes the hard part - waiting...
Is it January yet?
Donor alert:
Upper side panels are available! $69.95 per set. We went with a P-clamp mount for the production ones so you don't have to weld custom tabs on your frame. I'll get pictures of the production mounts installed shortly.
Buy yours today! https://www.flyinmiata.com/exocet-upper-side-panels.html

New Reader
7/28/15 11:37 a.m.
Looks great! Always thought they would be a good place to mount some side turn signals.
We've started using mirrors with integrated turn signals - they're very visible. There's a set on the car in the picture.
Keith are those the Bike Master mirrors? I have been looking at that brand but was curious about the quality.
Have been using them for a bit. They seem pretty good so far. No wobble and they adjust easily and stay in place.
They're marketed as "universal", no brand attached. There are two basic types that I've seen - some that are a bar end mount and some that are designed to bolt into a horizontal bracket. These are the latter and seem to be higher quality than the much more common bar end ones.

Ian, you need to share your exciting and awesome news.
New Reader
7/29/15 6:21 p.m.
For anyone wondering what Exomotive's current bodywork shipments look like, I found out today that s/n 110's were received and should ship out to me on Monday.
Mr. Tanner, an order for side panels is coming your way shortly!,
New Reader
7/30/15 12:47 p.m.
Wow so that means they are almost caught up with body work!