My folks hit a deer with Ma's 2000-something Passat wagon yesterday evening. Low speed impact, deer was totalled, but the car wasn't too bad. Busted the grille, wrinkled the front edge of the hood, pushed the left headlight back an inch or so. Mom joked that she wanted a "kangaroo catcher" in case they hit another one. I figure, lot of good that'll do with a car that low, most cases the deer would go up on the hood anyway, so why not indulge her and be a little silly at the same time. Soo...
I'm looking for one of those police push bar bumpers. Mounting bracketry a plus, but not necessary.
Like this:
Thanks in advance. 
11/18/12 10:43 p.m.
Maybe you can get the car for a day or so. Remove the bumper cover and build a HUGE 'roo catcher out of PVC. paint it black.
Something like this.
I'm presuming you're in Kansas, just by your name which would be too far. I have an almost new brush guard off a Cadillac.
How much are you wanting to spend? That would help us help you figure out something.
DrBoost: We discussed PVC, but I'm vain and would sooner spend time on something that might be useful. 
carguy123: I can get a slightly damaged bar off a Crown Vic patrol unit for about $120 shipped on evilbay, just seeing if someone's got one lying around, taking up space and pissing off their wife.
11/18/12 11:03 p.m.
Plywood and PVC is the way to go for a gag gift
pimpm3 wrote:
Plywood and PVC is the way to go for a gag gift
cardboard shipping tube be cheaper
11/19/12 7:46 a.m.
I've got one off a Land rover that I was going to retrofit on to my truck at one point. I'd have to hunt it up and get some pics but it might work for you.
I'll just leave this here.
Tou know, there are some parts of PA where this wouldn't be a bad idea.
11/19/12 11:07 a.m.
bonejacker car
(sand rail with flat plate metal parts. Easy to replace/fix panels)
I went ahead and spent the coin on a gently used ex-police bumper. I'll fab up some adapters to fit it to the frame horns on the Passat.
Joey, what movie is that? It looks awesome in the way only horrible B-rate cult movies do.
11/19/12 11:47 a.m.
JohnInKansas wrote:
Joey, what movie is that? It looks awesome in the way only horrible B-rate cult movies do.
Freejack, where Mick Jagger plays the best dressed bad guy ever. (I love that film)
Forgot to add, this is the car chase with the cars pictured above:
It is a little spoiler-ish, but so is the trailer that I linked to above with the movie name.
It is quite possible that this was fab'ed up with the intention of catching a kangaroo...