No more Top Gear on demand.
"Due to a request from the BBC, the website will be taken down.
I had been told in the past through unofficial channels that as long as I didn't offer direct downloads, they would leave me alone, but that is apparently no longer the case.
It has been a wild ride, and you never know, if I find a less cooperative host in the future, I may start the site back up, but in the meantime, if I find another site like this, I will post up a link here, so keep checking back." is still up!
7/3/09 11:19 a.m.
Aww... I was streaming and then saving episodes off there. Final Gear is nice, but I liked Hessmo's 200MB encodes better than 700+ for FG. Sure you can see a bit of MPEG compression when playing in full screen, but I'm not made of disk space.
Crap. I JUST finished watching episode 2 of Series 13 at about 9am THIS morning. Wow.
nuts to you bbc
fine. .I'll have to do it the old fashioned way, use a proxy and get iplayer to work..
I prefer downloading it, though I did watch the older seasons on hessmo, only for the fact that the quality was about the same anyway.
One less thing to kill my time with at work. Drats. 
here's some of the episodes streaming
Doesn't have all the seasons or episodes but....
There is a nasty bit of malware that attacks you when you go to that site. My software caught it but it resulted in my anti malware software locking my computer up and forcing a hard reset. So click with caution!!!!
wherethefmi wrote:
here's some of the episodes streaming
Doesn't have all the seasons or episodes but....
wow, never knew sorry for the bad link I guess it doesn't go after firefox or chrome, plus my anti virus is really good.
I like avast home free edition. said:
The site should be back up in a bit. I found a server with a company that won't cooperate with the BBC. Keep tuned...
as of 7/10/09 6pm eastern
there is hope for the future, and his current vid is hilarious
New Reader
7/12/09 4:07 p.m. said:
The site should be back up in a bit. I found a server with a company that won't cooperate with the BBC. Keep tuned...
Hurray....I just saw that this morning. I'm waiting eagerly for wednesday:
hessmo says:
**Update** Waiting for the server, if I had to hazard a guess, I would say the site will be back up wednesday at the latest.
7/12/09 5:50 p.m.
I love the videos he is posting on his site.
This just made my day. I have nothing to do tonite, and it's miserable outside. Going to try to fight through 4 episodes of goodness.
I love where he tells the BBC to leave him the hell alone. It's also funny where he says to affirm you are not law enforcement.
Back up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
Down again...and possibly for good this time. 
Ok.. back to using FoxyProxy to get around this crap..
hey can someone DL these latest episodes for me and mail them to me, internet is kind of spotty here
if you could put it on an SD and I'll send you one back. Tom should have my address by now, I hope.
Sorry for the hijack, but can anyone recommend a place to watch Lost online other than abc? I've seen everything except season 5 and want to start there. I was using freetvproject or something like that, but it seems like all of the season 5 episodes have bad links. As of 2 nights ago, anyway.