m4ff3w SuperDork
5/17/10 6:48 p.m.

lose a berkeleying a/c compressor?!?

I purchased an a/c compressor from a LeMons car back in Feb. It is finally time to install it, but it is GONE!

It is not at work (where I received it), in the garage, in the trunk, or inside the house.

I really don't understand it. Plus I can't find my keys, I lost them this weekend when I pulled the dash to replace the TXV (I checked, they are not behind the dash, I lost them on Saturday and replaced the dash on Sunday).

I swear, I hit 30 and my brain has gone to mush. :(

wbjones Dork
5/17/10 6:55 p.m.

just you wait... it actually goes downhill from there

44Dwarf HalfDork
5/17/10 7:27 p.m.

30! oh to be 11 years younger.....get used to it. It doesnt get better....

Kia_racer Reader
5/17/10 7:29 p.m.

I think I remember 30. It was a few years ago. My sister sent me a b'day card that said "Welcome to the over the hill club" she is 5 years older than I am.

maroon92 SuperDork
5/17/10 8:28 p.m.

I don't remember where I put things that are much more important, and I still have 7 years until 30.

I have lost my wallet more times than I can count. I usually find it, but I cannot ever remember where it is.

I constantly lose my watch, my phone, my keys, various car parts, all kinds of stuff.

RossD Dork
5/17/10 8:45 p.m.

Are the keys in your pocket? Is the a/c compressor in your pocket?

DoctorBlade Reader
5/17/10 9:22 p.m.

Did you actually buy the AC Compressor? I've pulled that one a time or twelve.

griffin729 Reader
5/17/10 9:27 p.m.

Hell, if I put my keys in the wrong pocket (this is much more likely in winter coat=more pockets to wrongly put keys in) I lose them. I haven't lost an A/C compressor, but I did manage to misplace an entire stack of 15 or 20 cd's for most of two years. I just found them a week and a half ago.

racerdave600 Reader
5/18/10 7:59 a.m.

wait until you get older and have more places to put things, it gets much worse! I think I remember 30.

EricM Dork
5/18/10 8:07 a.m.

Ah to have the memory of a 30 year old...............


Wait, what were we talking about?

Ian F
Ian F Dork
5/18/10 8:30 a.m.

Gee... I guess I shouldn't feel so bad about losing/misplacing a lisence plate cover...

81gtv6 HalfDork
5/18/10 8:50 a.m.

I have not been able to find my angle grinder for about a year, will turn 39 in a couple of months. What?

sachilles HalfDork
5/18/10 8:56 a.m.

Check where ever you keep you beer.

My mind went way down hill when my first son was born 16 months ago. I never use to have to write down anything. Now even if I write it down, it's no guarantee it'll be remembered. Maybe it's a sleep deprivation thing.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
5/18/10 9:01 a.m.

say it aint so, I turned 30 yesterday

m4ff3w SuperDork
5/18/10 9:28 a.m.
sachilles wrote: Check where ever you keep you beer. My mind went to way down hill when my first son was born 16 months ago. I never use to have to write down anything. Know even if I write it down, it's no guarantee it'll be remembered. Maybe it's a sleep deprivation thing.

My kids are 8 & 6, so I don't think I can blame them for this.

I mean, I turned 30 in December and my brain has really taken a nose dive.

We won't talk about weight though, as it is certainly on the opposite trajectory of my brain function.

microsa1 New Reader
5/18/10 9:34 a.m.

That and he's gettin' pudgy along with some gray hair. Ha, and he makes fun of me sometimes!

Wayslow Reader
5/18/10 10:01 a.m.

When I changed the cars back to their summer tires, this spring, I couldn't find the lug nuts for the F150's aluminum wheels. I always drop the lug nuts in a ziplock bag and leave them with the wheels but this year they decided to hide. I have no idea what I did with them. I have no idea why I would've stored them anywhere else.

I even tried the sure fire method of finding the old set, I went out and bought a new set. It didn't work, the old lug nuts are still in hiding.

Raze HalfDork
5/18/10 10:05 a.m.
Kia_racer wrote: I think I remember 30. It was a few years ago. My sister sent me a b'day card that said "Welcome to the over the hill club" she is 5 years older than I am.

see I got ahead of my older sister by sending her happy 30th B-day cards from the time she was 26, this year I begin sending happy 40th...

car39 Reader
5/18/10 10:09 a.m.

At 40 I blew out my right knee picking up a pen off the floor of a car. At 50 I blew out my left shoulder putting a tire in a rack. I can hardly wait to see what 60 has in store for me.

The worst part is my mind insists I'm 21 and can do the same stupid things I did in the Carter administration.

NYG95GA SuperDork
5/18/10 10:10 a.m.

Zombies in the night.

NYG95GA SuperDork
5/18/10 10:18 a.m.
car39 wrote: At 40 I blew out my right knee picking up a pen off the floor of a car. At 50 I blew out my left shoulder putting a tire in a rack. I can hardly wait to see what 60 has in store for me. The worst part is my mind insists I'm 21 and can do the same stupid things I did in the Carter administration.

Sir, you have elavated yourself by invoking the phrase "Carter administration".

Trouble is, many of on this site would say "Eisenhower".

Heck, I remember AuH2O....

First one to invoke Truman wins.

egnorant Dork
5/18/10 11:00 a.m.

I have tried the "go buy a new one" trick in order to find the old one. Worked like a charm until I realized I had lost the receipt!

I made a special trip to buy brake fluid as I could not find the last bottle. Bought a couple of carb cleaner while I was there. After I used it, I sought a safe place to put my new fluid and found the perfect place in a cabinet near my compressor. Unfortunately, I found this cabinet had no room in it as it already had 4 brake fluids and 3 carb cleaners in it. I should start an ambitious plan of changing the brake fluid in several cars...as soon as I find my bleeder wrench.


mad_machine SuperDork
5/18/10 11:24 a.m.

while growing a nice bald spot as I get closer to 40... I still have a pretty sharp memory and no gray hairs...

not that I would not make a trade for more hair for less memory and more gray

44Dwarf HalfDork
5/18/10 12:43 p.m.

Hell at 41 i now have to label everything includeing the drawers on the tool box....

John Brown
John Brown SuperDork
5/18/10 12:51 p.m.

I will be 40 in October and I have the memory of a...

what were we talking about?

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