Another dump NyQuil induced question. Need to buy some actual radial tires for the Cadillac. Of course the original spec is L78 BiasPly.
Tires are ~195$ a piece in my load rating then another 100 for mount and balance. There is a nice used set of Coker radial 3 inch whitewalls locally. Only issue is that they are ~0.5 inches narrower and about 1.3 inches shorter then the orinial wheels which are about a 29 inch tall tire.
I can do this right. It will save me ~600$ and will lower the car a little which is what I needed. Speedo can be calibrated for 10$.
should be fine, only difference will be appearance, speedo, and slighly higher RPM at any given speed vs before.
Not knowing your final drive and differential ratio, I am going to guess that your cruise RPM is going to be 350 to 500 higher than before
Nice visual at
you can't find a 235/75/15 tire for less than almost $200 each?
235/70/15 is about an inch shorter and a little wider, makes any big old car with 15" wheels look a little meaner and handle a little better.
if you have 7" or 8" wide wheels, then a 255/60/15 is also a good choice.
Not with a 4 inch white wall I can't
If they have white lettering, you can make your own. Grind down the lettering and side wall to expose the white rubber underneath.
There are several threads on the HAMB detailing this.
Not going to grind down tires on a 75,000$ restored Cadillac. problem is the weight rating on most of the 235 as well most of what I'm looking at his truck tires and doing a porteall
oh.. this is a special Cadillac... that's the kind of details that should be laid out in the OP, since not everyone is going to know what kind of a "Cadillac" you are dealing with here..
why is $200 each too much to pay for tires for a car that's worth as much as a decent starter home in my part of the planet?