frenchyd said:
In reply to AMiataCalledSteve :
Few states don't have rivers. Rivers don't tend to run straight. People need to drive along rivers. Ergo- river roads.
All the folks that moved to FL, didn't like that, so they straightened as absolutely many rivers as they could!
Here in L. A. (The southern one) we have lots of twisty rivers. That's not where our roads are, though. Now CT or MN, that's some fantastic river roads.
My (now) wife, being from Homestead fl, came to visit when I still lived in the middle of nowhere VA. Still gets lost in any part af VA; I had to remind her who designed the road systems outside of the big city's.
Game wandered around the woods. What modern folks call American Indians followed the game, kinda making trails. Early settlers used those trails enough to make them paths. And so on.
I was always wondered about this as I've never lived anywhere without curvy roads.
Up here in North Dakota, the land of the grid, it sucks. I have to drive down to SD and the Black Hills to drive on a curvy road. Highway 46, straightest road in America? 120 miles.

Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) said:
Late-apex every corner? Take every ramp on the cloverleaf just for fun?
Honestly it was a lot more fun driving in rural IL with sparsely populated, but mostly straight roads, then it is here on the coast. Even though there are plenty of twisty roads just north of me, they're heavily wooded & critter-dodging is nearly constant. Plus as you get more rural you're dealing with people on 4-wheelers & SxS on the road(even though they're not legal, they're generally allowed). So it's really not a good place to push the limits.
I can 100% vouch for the woods (blind corners) and critter dodging as well as the wow did you see thats on the road.....
I have plenty of curves on the way to work, but rallycross or autocross is way safer. Also I think I need a lumberjack kit in my car to remove fallen trees.
I live in Kansas - how do we do it? We go to Missouri......the roads in Missouri towns are so bad dodging potholes is very similar to an autocross!
But when you get down around the Ozarks things get interesting, lots of twists and turns, lots of methheads to avoid too!
North western Arkansas is a great place to drive, pretty roads, hills, twists and turns, little traffic and only a few hours away - we take our classic Minis down there for a fun run at least once a year.