4/4/10 10:19 p.m.
And I need some help.
I called about a 69 AMC Javelin (one of my berkeleying dream cars!) and stupidly actually got a deal nearly finished. It's a sweetheart (trading my FR500's and a master cylinder plus $100 for it) of a deal, and it's delivered. The problem is with 5 cars on the property now, I'm already 2 over the limit (set by the better half). The Hornet has started the stripping process and should be done by next weekend but the Concord is still here as well. I need to hide this Javelin for a week! I forgot to ask permission...
It has a 390, is a stick-shift (3-speed bleh), and is pretty much complete and less rusty than the Hornet. If I can sell the Concord and get the Hornet out of here everything will be A-OK, but the Javelin's current owner wants it off of his car trailer ASAP.
WTH do I do? She's gonna notice me taking the FR500's off the P71... But I want a Trans Am replica Javelin and this one would be perfect!!! AAAHHH!!!! 
4/4/10 10:26 p.m.
pretend the new car you bought without permission is some sort of surprise birthday present for your wife. I once did that and it actually worked but then the car was hers.
Or maybe the wheels could get 'stolen' and then someone felt sorry for you at the loss of your wheels and offered a free car as a sympathy gift...
Tough call dude, but awesome.
4/4/10 10:31 p.m.
Whatever you do, don't pass it up. Sounds too good.
take her out for a date in the javelin. is it running?
Just bring it home and make up stories and excuses to explain why you "currently" have too many cars, but that the situation will be remedied in the near future.
on your way home with the car, swing by the mall and pick up some jewelery. Bribery works every time with wives.
Justify: "Gee, honey, I just got this car for $100 and the engine alone I could sell for $1500! It's an investment!"
My wife was not particularly happy when I picked up a 2nd GT6 (cosmetically ugly, mechanically decent) a couple weeks ago. It sat in her garage parking spot for the week (the other GT6 is in the 2nd garage spot), and I had to skee-daddle to clear out space in my backyard shed to put the 2nd GT6. Once the move was made, she is fine with it. Out of sight, out of mind. And she knows that eventually she'll get that '65 Mustang vert that she wants :D
4/4/10 10:52 p.m.
Better to ask forgiveness than permission
If you explain that this is one of your dreams and that you have a plan to get back to the 3-car limit within a reasonable time, and she really loves you, you shouldn't have to spend too many nights on the sofa.
4/4/10 11:02 p.m.
Well, she has a nice hunk of rock coming her way very, very soon. She just doesn't know it yet. 
She knows I'm working my ass off on the Hornet. I had people here today and already cleared over $600 off of the poor little guy. Once the engine is out, it's gone. If I can get the Concord sold without stripping it, I'll be golden.
I think I just need to talk to her about it (free Javelin for some parts and I'l never drag home another AMC again!) and hope for the temporary OK on 3 bonus cars. I did sell the RX-7 for her Miata so she kinda owes me...
In reply to P71:
rent a storage space for a couple months. shouldnt be too expensive. sounds like a sweet find. those cars are getting very rare. so i wouldnt pass it up. your saving so much just getting the car for that cheap. storage would def be worth paying till you get your parts car and hornet out the way.
and post some pics when you get it! 
4/4/10 11:38 p.m.
P71 wrote:
I think I just need to talk to her about it (free Javelin for some parts and I'l never drag home another AMC again!)
I'm sure she's not dumb enough to buy that, but hopefully she pretends she is
4/5/10 7:13 a.m.
Maybe you should hide the expensive rock she's getting soon somewhere inside the Javelin. Then, have her do a scavenger hunt type of adventure until she finds it (you know, a cryptic clues type of adventure). That's sure to distract her.
ZOO wrote:
Maybe you should hide the expensive rock she's getting soon somewhere inside the Javelin. Then, have her do a scavenger hunt type of adventure until she finds it (you know, a cryptic clues type of adventure). That's sure to distract her.
just make sure you dont have her searching for a shiny bauble under a crusty rusted out fender or anything...tetanus shots do not a romantic weekend make
pigeon wrote:
Better to ask forgiveness than permission
If you explain that this is one of your dreams and that you have a plan to get back to the 3-car limit within a reasonable time, and she really loves you, you shouldn't have to spend too many nights on the sofa.
Not better but definatly easier.
Is having too many cars okay as long as the For Sale signs are in place on the other vehicles? This would show that "too many" is a temporary situation. Clearly lay out the plans.
The hornet is only here for a short while (and already has redeemed it's value.)
The Concord has a sign in the window and is posted online so it could/should go any day now.
With those two gone, we will only be down to the Javelin.
I'm posting this from my phone so I can't see where you location.
You can store it at my place. My wife won't mind.
Tell her something is missing your life and you either need two chicks at a time or an old AMC product. No matter what her answer you win.
P71 wrote:
and I'l never drag home another AMC again!
dont do this to yourself!
4/5/10 9:07 a.m.
Her anger will eventually subside, and you will still have a Javelin.
If not the car something else is bound to make her angry sooner or later so you might as well go with the option that nets you another fine AMC ;)
I had a similar conversation with the wife this weekend asking which of 2 vehicular accquisitions would make her less mad a me. I told her I knew she was gonna be mad, so I just wanted to give her a say in how mad she was gonna be.
Rent a storage unit for a month under the guise of storing the Hornet parts. sneak the Jav into the unit and sell off the Hornet bits instead of storing them.
Dude, if you are that afraid of the wife, your options are either to grow a pair and bring the car home, OR bring home something made of diamonds along with the Javelin.
You think you did a bad thing?!
I asked for permission instead of forgiveness! I want to add an AWD Impreza coupe to my driveway filled with "project cars". I actually asked if she'd mind another car instead of just buying it.
Now THAT was a BAD thing.
4/5/10 9:33 a.m.
Normally dragging stuff home isn't a problem, I'm just over my quota right now...
A big part of how you are probably going to slide through this just fine is the phrase "one of my berkleying dream cars!" I'm sure she knows this, and if she doesn't I'm sure you will be able to make it clear. From everything you've said about her, things should be fine after you explain the Automotive Asset Rationalization Plan. Having said that, moving up the presentation date for the rock might be in order if that's practical. Why not associate one of your car dreams with one of your, and presumably her, life dreams?
The fact that you realize that you're over the quota will be good in her eyes.
The fact that you made a unilateral decision (you decided to buy it knowing she wouldn't like it) will be a bad thing in her eyes. (Though, it's the choice I would have made, as well)
So...I think the thing to do is explain the situation and what's important to you (the car AND her) and tell her your plan to get back to where you both agree you need to be (X number of cars on the property). Maybe she'll have an idea that is acceptable to her that you haven't thought of yet...
Asking for input to help solve the situation might help a little bit. Who knows. They're all different, yet the same, those women ;).