z31maniac MegaDork
6/29/23 3:02 p.m.
frenchyd said:

In reply to SV reX :

Is there a big issue with Lead bursting into flames  in the south? 
  If so I completely understand .  

He literally told you these are Li batteries. Are you just willfully ignoring what people are typing? 

Lof8 - Andy
Lof8 - Andy UltraDork
6/29/23 3:35 p.m.

I'd have guessed a jag v12 would be more powerful, cheaper, lighter, simpler, and more environmentally-friendly than anything electric.  Interesting.

Boost_Crazy Dork
6/29/23 3:49 p.m.

In reply to SV reX :

Those were lead acid batteries and slow chargers. 

High speed chargers and Li batteries are completely different. 

Feel free to start your own insurance company. 

This is a significant problem with Li backup battery storage throughout the supply chain as well. Insurance forbids them from being stored in most buildings. I asked how they were safe to install in homes but unsafe to store. The reply was that they are safe if not subject to damage, but if damaged during transport, they could burn the building down. Once installed they were not likely to be damaged, but a forklift could easily damage them while moving them around a warehouse. 

Boost_Crazy Dork
6/29/23 4:01 p.m.

In reply to frenchyd :

 My approach was to select the panel I wanted and find who sold them. 
    Some simply looked at the satellite view of my house  and would qualify me except for the trees on the property line.  Rethinking my values, one of those trees was Ash which are threatened by a bug. 2 of them are sugar maples  which have a tendency to have big branches break off and rot quickly from the inside.  Plus one of them shades the roof enough to cause moss to grow on the shingles.    So in retrospect. The shade they provide isn't worth the risks involved. 
  Yes they all required a minimum monthly use of $100 / month electric bill.  Going back through the records we did every month except November  which was close,  typically around $95 .  That didn't seem to bother most of them. Since the 12 month average was solidly over $100/ month. 

Don't choose your solar installer by the modules they carry. The most important part is vetting the people who are going to be poking dozens of holes in your roof, and  the quality of products they are using to attach to and flash the roof. Pick who does that best, then choose a quality module from what they offer. 

But if you only pay anywhere near $100 per month in electricity, you don't need solar. You need bills many times that to make it worthwhile. And if you just want to go solar to reduce your CO2 footprint- you are talking about cutting down trees to reduce your CO2 footprint. How does that work? 


Indy - Guy
Indy - Guy UltimaDork
6/29/23 4:03 p.m.
z31maniac said:
frenchyd said:

In reply to SV reX :

Is there a big issue with Lead bursting into flames  in the south? 
  If so I completely understand .  

He literally told you these are Li batteries. Are you just willfully ignoring what people are typing? 

Yes.  In several other threads, Frenchyd openly admits he briefly skims or out right skips peoples responses.  Don't be surprised.  But it does get very annoying.  
And quite frankly, it's disrespectful of him. 

It would be considered Rude to ignore someone's input into a conversation at a party, but that's what routinely happens in thread after thread that he participates in.  Sigh.

frenchyd MegaDork
6/29/23 4:54 p.m.
Boost_Crazy said:

In reply to frenchyd :

 My approach was to select the panel I wanted and find who sold them. 
    Some simply looked at the satellite view of my house  and would qualify me except for the trees on the property line.  Rethinking my values, one of those trees was Ash which are threatened by a bug. 2 of them are sugar maples  which have a tendency to have big branches break off and rot quickly from the inside.  Plus one of them shades the roof enough to cause moss to grow on the shingles.    So in retrospect. The shade they provide isn't worth the risks involved. 
  Yes they all required a minimum monthly use of $100 / month electric bill.  Going back through the records we did every month except November  which was close,  typically around $95 .  That didn't seem to bother most of them. Since the 12 month average was solidly over $100/ month. 

Don't choose your solar installer by the modules they carry. The most important part is vetting the people who are going to be poking dozens of holes in your roof, and  the quality of products they are using to attach to and flash the roof. Pick who does that best, then choose a quality module from what they offer. 

But if you only pay anywhere near $100 per month in electricity, you don't need solar. You need bills many times that to make it worthwhile. And if you just want to go solar to reduce your CO2 footprint- you are talking about cutting down trees to reduce your CO2 footprint. How does that work? 


Again thanks for your input.  
   I have had mixed results looking for  contractors based on word of mouth.  ( the main reason I built my own house)  yes I did the actual work with very little outside help  

        A company that did good  work at one location may lose  the worker who did the actual work ( or may not).  Or you get a different crew.  Etc. 
  It's not always that way hence my comments about mixed results.  
  So I find what I want.  Find out who handles it,  Then go out and watch them work.  I don't have to spend a lot of time to see if they do good  work, are efficient, etc.    
     Having spent decades selling equipment to contractors I know what to look for  

     If I'm satisfied I'll ask for a quote. 
or shop for a different contractor  but the more I research the better my results have been. 
  As far as my current usage. It should go up a bit when I get my EV. But since  the excess  pays off the contract quicker  how can I lose?  
    When I enter retirement $100 a month doesn't sound like much  but costs go up every year.  If it's only the rate of inflation  it wouldn't be long before it's doubled and doubled again.    I'd bend over and pick up a $100 dollar bill off the sidewalk, wouldn't you ?  
   Beside a 30% tax break sounds very good to me. Especially at no out of pocket costs. 

Boost_Crazy Dork
6/29/23 7:58 p.m.

In reply to frenchyd :

Frenchyd, you are still missing it.

There are ways to put solar on your roof with no money out of pocket. 

There are ways to put solar on your roof and get the tax credit. 

There are ways to put solar on your roof and reduce/eliminate your monthly bill. 

There is no path to all of the above. Pick which is most important to you, then you can decide if you want to buy a system, lease, or enter into a power purchase agreement. The only one that can eliminate your monthly bill is purchasing a system, which has an out of pocket cost. 

Seriously though, with the rates you pay and your low useage, the money spent on buying solar your have a greater return invested in a mutual fund over the same term. 

Boost_Crazy Dork
6/29/23 8:08 p.m.

Here is a good automotive analogy. 

My wife drives a Ford Expedition Max. 

It can seat 8 people. 

It can hold 122cu ft of cargo

It can tow 9300 lbs. 

It can get 20mpg. 

While all the above are true, it can't do all of the above at the same time. Just like you can't get no out of pocket cost,, tax credits, lower monthly bills, and an ROI over 30 years on solar at the same time. 

bobzilla MegaDork
6/29/23 9:20 p.m.
z31maniac said:
frenchyd said:

In reply to SV reX :

Is there a big issue with Lead bursting into flames  in the south? 
  If so I completely understand .  

He literally told you these are Li batteries. Are you just willfully ignoring what people are typing? 

You know he's ignoring facts. Has been for 72 pages. He's just a berkeleying troll at this point. Even when given exact details still completely Lies and keeps on going. 

bobzilla MegaDork
6/29/23 9:21 p.m.
Lof8 - Andy said:

I'd have guessed a jag v12 would be more powerful, cheaper, lighter, simpler, and more environmentally-friendly than anything electric.  Interesting.

No it only costs $12 to build one though. 

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
6/29/23 9:41 p.m.
Boost_Crazy said:

Here is a good automotive analogy. 

My wife drives a Ford Expedition Max. 

It can seat 8 people. 

It can hold 122cu ft of cargo

It can tow 9300 lbs. 

It can get 20mpg. 

While all the above are true, it can't do all of the above at the same time. Just like you can't get no out of pocket cost,, tax credits, lower monthly bills, and an ROI over 30 years on solar at the same time. 

She should trade it for the upcoming Tesla SUV. It will be out the end of the year, run 700 miles on a charge, cost $94 dollars and a book of Green Stamps. In addition to all the truck stuff it does, it can fly in short bursts, and toast bread to your desired doneness every time and keep that toast warm enough to melt all the butter and keep it melted.  

OHSCrifle UberDork
6/29/23 9:59 p.m.

In an already very energy efficient house solar is a folly. 

Tom1200 PowerDork
6/29/23 10:21 p.m.

Every night I give my wife the page/post count.

Tonight my wife hands me a newspaper article that notes Rowan Atkinson says EVs are not the panacea they are made out to be.

Annnnnd back to the melee.

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
6/30/23 4:34 a.m.

If I had ordered a 747 the day I preordered the Cybertruck I would have already had it long enough to learn how to fly 

frenchyd MegaDork
6/30/23 8:18 a.m.

This post has received too many downvotes to be displayed.

frenchyd MegaDork
6/30/23 8:29 a.m.

This post has received too many downvotes to be displayed.

frenchyd MegaDork
6/30/23 8:32 a.m.
OHSCrifle said:

In an already very energy efficient house solar is a folly. 

Saving Money is folly?   Are you a politician? 

frenchyd MegaDork
6/30/23 8:37 a.m.
OHSCrifle said:

In an already very energy efficient house solar is a folly. 

Patients,  I keep hearing 3/4 of this year if you are at the front of the line of 1.2 million preorders.  Plus if you go on sites about  Tesla  you can see cyber trucks on the assembly line.  Granted  they may be pre- production trucks to meet government tests etc.

    But isn't the 747 out of production? 

frenchyd MegaDork
6/30/23 8:47 a.m.
Indy - Guy said:
z31maniac said:
frenchyd said:

In reply to SV reX :

Is there a big issue with Lead bursting into flames  in the south? 
  If so I completely understand .  

He literally told you these are Li batteries. Are you just willfully ignoring what people are typing? 

Yes.  In several other threads, Frenchyd openly admits he briefly skims or out right skips peoples responses.  Don't be surprised.  But it does get very annoying.  
And quite frankly, it's disrespectful of him. 

It would be considered Rude to ignore someone's input into a conversation at a party, but that's what routinely happens in thread after thread that he participates in.  Sigh.

 I'm the same way at parties and other social events.  I only listen to people I find interesting or have something worthy of my time.  
  What I can't understand is first and foremost forklifts need weight  to counterbalance the loads they pick up and lift. 
       Lithium is lighter then lead.  And massively more expensive.   Litium is used in EV's because it's lighter.
  I regularly sold forklifts that would work a full shift plus and then it only took a few minutes to roll the battery out and roll a new one in. ( yes they come with rollers on the forklift and rollers on the charging station). 
 I guess I need to learn something. 

    I googled electric forklift batteries and couldn't find a single word about lithium electric forklift batteries.   I went to several sites and no listing of such a thing.  

     If I'm. Missing something I'd appreciate  learning about it.  Thank you in advance.  

z31maniac MegaDork
6/30/23 9:05 a.m.
frenchyd said:
SV reX said:

In reply to frenchyd :

You are still saying "free" and "pay off in 7-11 years". 

Which is it?

Please go on the Mn government site Boost Crazy was kind enough to provide a  link to. 
  They use the words free and no out of pocket costs ( which by your definition  doesn't seem to be correct).   
 Perhaps that will explain things to your satisfaction?   Maybe it's just an upper Midwest thing?  Or your training at Law School prevents you from understanding?  
  I'd hate to think you were just trying to goad me. 

The Mn.gov/solar page, DOES NOT use the word free even one time. We've been over this. 

You are the personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect with a heaping scoop of condescension on top. It's truly remarkable. 

AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter)
AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
6/30/23 9:25 a.m.
frenchyd said:

    I googled electric forklift batteries and couldn't find a single word about lithium electric forklift batteries.   I went to several sites and no listing of such a thing.  

     If I'm. Missing something I'd appreciate  learning about it.  Thank you in advance.    

From the FIRST result in my search:

Perhaps search bias, perhaps reading comprehension?

Whatever, the thread does provide a degree of entertainment if not enlightenment.

Opti SuperDork
6/30/23 9:30 a.m.
frenchyd said:
OHSCrifle said:

In an already very energy efficient house solar is a folly. 

Saving Money is folly?   Are you a politician? 

What hes saying is it may not actually save you money

If you have an energy-efficient home in a place with cheap energy costs, you may only be paying 80 dollars a month for electricity, then if you want to get rid of your energy bill buy putting solar up, but the solar costs you 100 a month you have saved anything.

I have an incredibly energy-inefficient home but my energy is very cheap, and $85K cost to get rid of a 200 dollar utility bill is not saving me any money. Especially when you consider that 200 is water, electricity, sewage and trash

frenchyd MegaDork
6/30/23 10:28 a.m.

In reply to Opti :

Apparently you fail to understand the program.  
 No out of pocket cost to you. There is no payment other than what the solar panels generate so there is no additional monthly cost.   If it sounds too good to be true please go to the2 government  links Boost Crazy  made  and read it yourself. 
In addition you will get a 30% tax rebate.   Plus be eligible for whatever grants are given   
     The useful life of solar panels is guaranteed 30 years.  ( I'm sure there are exclusions like baseball hail delivered at 150 mph).  I'm assuming that in that case insurance would cover it but I'll have to check my insurance company. 
    Yes your electricity cost is extremely cheap .  I pay almost that for Water sewer recycling and trash. 
 $85K for solar panels?  Typically around here it's close  to 1/3 of that.  $30K is closer to the mark. 

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
6/30/23 10:52 a.m.

In reply to frenchyd :

It was in production and orders were taken for 747s  since I placed my preorder. Those orders have been filled in that time while the Cybertruck remains hype. 

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
6/30/23 10:59 a.m.
z31maniac said:
frenchyd said:
SV reX said:

In reply to frenchyd :

You are still saying "free" and "pay off in 7-11 years". 

Which is it?

Please go on the Mn government site Boost Crazy was kind enough to provide a  link to. 
  They use the words free and no out of pocket costs ( which by your definition  doesn't seem to be correct).   
 Perhaps that will explain things to your satisfaction?   Maybe it's just an upper Midwest thing?  Or your training at Law School prevents you from understanding?  
  I'd hate to think you were just trying to goad me. 

The Mn.gov/solar page, DOES NOT use the word free even one time. We've been over this. 

You are the personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect with a heaping scoop of condescension on top. It's truly remarkable. 

I don't know anything about the State of Minnesota. It's the yahoo telemarketers who are the ones promising me free solar panels. Not that I believe a word they say.

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