4/2/13 1:27 p.m.
The_Jed wrote:
Peoria sucks...I wish it didn't.
Given the size of the town, there should be a RallyCross program or AT LEAST Solo2 within 30 or so miles.
I guess I need to troll the local enthusiast sites...
We had ICC in the past. That one is gone. We have Mossville, that one we still have--but for various reasons it is not a regular event site, and it can't be planned very far in the future.
PCA and BMW club just had one about a month ago at a place in Peoria Heights I believe, Studio 29. I did not attend, but the report was a postage sized lamp but a fun time overall. Realistically there could not be an SCCA event there.
Somebody (PCA?) used to host them at Bloomington Airport. That will never happen again. Place is too busy now, and there was a substantial accident at the last one (no idea when that was, well before my time in the scene here).
Mitsubishi looks like it should have a great spot, but If you get a chance to take an up-close look at the pavement surface, you would realize it is not the ideal autocross venue it appears to be from a satellite image. It is essentially a 20+ year-old asphalt parking lot, which has had cars parked in the exact same spots. The surface is irregular, with divots where the car tires have been. A very small area would actually be smooth enough to use for a course, even if we could get permission to use the site. Besides that, any attempts to even get a conversation started is immediately shut down.
Unfortunately I'm not aware of any places in Bloomington that have a large enough space for a course and a grid and paddock. As for Pekin and Peoria, well those ain't my stompin grounds.
In reply to mtn:
You should see the pontiac silverdome lot we run in det scca solo2...
Well if anyone gets a hit on anything just post it in this thread.
It would be nice to know what events are going on.
4/2/13 9:59 p.m.
Back in the day
In reply to EricM:
Wow Eric, I'd forgotten about that! Perfect demonstration of the muddy conditions. The other time we used that site it was so dusty you couldn't see cars on course, and drivers couldn't see the cones.
So what type of area makes a good rally cross track ?
The best one I can recall driving on was most recently a bean field before being re-purposed.
In reply to The_Jed:
I was just thinking that this morning. Bean fields have a pretty smooth surface and there is generally nothing left over from it being harvested.
I've been on a local forum for a bit and so far it's been a positive experience but reading the interactions in a lot of the other threads makes me really appreciate GRM.
We really do have an outstanding community here!
4/5/13 1:09 p.m.
The_Jed wrote:
I've been on a local forum for a bit and so far it's been a positive experience but reading the interactions in a lot of the other threads makes me really appreciate GRM.
We really do have an outstanding community here!
Which one? CSS or Cicenet?
We were talking last night, Cicenet is pretty much dead other than the Gun thread and autocross talk.
If someone can find a lot I did some asking and it seems a local club may have insurance that would cover a rallycross. I would rather not go into details about the club at this time as there is no rally x program in the works by them however the area being discussed is within that that they have ran events in the past. If a lot could be found it sounds like there are some people that would be willing to work on an event. Translation. Find a site and the next steps could be explored.
In reply to nocones:
Mark me down as another central il guy. If someone gets something figured out
In reply to nocones:
I'll ask the next time I see the owner. Should be relatively soon.
In reply to The_Jed:
What is C.S.S.? I'm only familiar with/on Cicenet., So far I've found lots of drag racers, show car people and street racers. There are a few who hit track days and some who used to autocross.
4/13/13 7:32 p.m.
Rallycross, 1.5 hours from Syntheticblinkerfluid
Damn, I could probably be ready for the July event.
The fact that they could have a 3 mile course is kind of mind boggling to me. That's more of a rally stage than Rallycross wouldn't one think?
Holy berkeley Yes!!!!! That's less than a 1/2-hour from my place! 
New Reader
4/13/13 11:03 p.m.
I'll be watching this thread for sure. Count me as another in Central Illinois.
Hey, Pete, I'm just south of you. I used to autocross a rusty yellow CRX Si at Rantoul, then a gold 2000 Mustang. I was jcrxs23 on cii.
Wow, that's been a while. Almost 10 years. In fact the year I started was the year after the last autocross at the Vermillion County Airport, which of course, I drive past twice every day to and from work.
That was a real bummer.
Anybody ever try getting back in there for autocross or even rallycross? They farm some of the ground on the airport property. I haven't noticed, but they ought to have had some bean fields inside the fences somewhere.
4/13/13 11:13 p.m.
Ryan, are you aware of
I'd love to go to the rallycross, but don't have a suitable vehicle for it. I might go out to view and ride along with folks still.
In reply to TLNXTYM:
Hey Ryan! I remember...your cars.
Ok, I'll probably remember you also if I see you again.
In reply to mtn:
Enterprise has cheap daily rates, and there's one in Danville only 40-minutes away.
Oh thats only an hour from me! Maybe the July event for me.
In reply to fritzsch:
I have been to the badlands many time great place. I had no idea they did rally there if some guys are going let me know would love to hook up